“Avoid Unplanned Pregnancies. Don’t make the mistake of getting someone pregnant in your 20s” – Kanayo O. Kanayo

Nollywood legend Kanayo O. Kanayo pens down heartfelt advice to men in their 20s

In his words:

“Listen up, young men: Here’s what you should understand about your 20s. It’s time to confront some hard truths. This period is essential for building the foundation for your future.

1- Don’t make the mistake of becoming a parent too soon. An unplanned pregnancy can significantly hinder your progress and create additional challenges. It can strain your finances, time, and personal growth. Focus on building responsible relationships and ensure you’re ready for the responsibilities of parenthood before taking that step. Raising a child is a lifelong commitment; if you’re not prepared, it can derail your goals and aspirations.

2- Don’t Let a Woman’s Affection Cloud Your Judgment. First and foremost, avoid letting a woman’s love confuse your thoughts. At this age, it’s easy to get swept away by romantic excitement.

3- Avoid Destructive Habits.

Stay away from habits that can ruin your life. This includes addictions to smoking, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and gambling.

Be patient with yourself as you navigate these years”

Is he on point?


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