Bodi District Assembly Inaugurated

....But Fails to elect Presiding Member
Bodi District Assembly Inaugurated

Bodi District Assembly (BDA) in the Western North Region joined the national inauguration of 259 District Assemblies at a colorful ceremony last Monday, February 12, 2024, when 16-Assembly Members were officially sworn into office.

They comprised 11 elected and five appointed members who were sworn in by his Lordship, Samuel Entee, Majesty at the Juaboso District Magistrate Court who represented the Chief Justice. The Assembly however, failed to get a Presiding Member after the first round of voting. With a second voting of “Yes” and “No” indicating a seconding voting that day it also proved futile as the “No” won the day.

Subsequently, a second voting on the position has been scheduled in 10 days time in accordance with Acts of the District Assemblies.

The contest was between John Awuah and Amenga Rahmam. At the end of the voting, Awuah Pulled 10 votes, representing 7%, while Amenga Puled 7 Votes representing 5%.

According to Returning Office, Frank Nkrumah the winner should obtain 12 votes. However since none of them could get that much, the next voting would be in 10 days time. A suggestion from Assembly members to have a run-off between the two the same day also proved futile as a yes and No vote on that resulted in a 10-7 for the No indicating that the next voting should come off in the coming 10days


The inauguration was graced by Katakyie Kwasi Bumangah II, Omanhene of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, who also doubles as Member of the Council of State representing the president, H.E Nana Addo Denkwah Akufo- Addo.


Reading the President’s address, Katakyie Bumangamah pointed out that good governance entails active participation of the citesenery in the development process.

“Consequently, your District Assembly must create a platform for stakeholders using participatory tools and processes including Town Hall meetings and community Durbars to establish a strong linkage between duty bearers and citizens. Section 40-48 of the local Government Act, 2016 (936) makes provision for citizen’s right to participate in District Assembly Processes: modalities and platforms for participation: right of stakeholders to petition and indusion of marginalized group. It is therefore your duty to respond to petitions and the duty of the District Chief Executives to report to the District Assembly, “the statement indicated.

“Finally let me remind you that your people require of you selflessness, devotion to duty, a very accountable stewardship and your ability to present the needs of the people to quide development that will ultimately improve on their quality of life” the president’s statement concluded.

Katakyie cautioned members against monetarization

action of their duties, streseing that they were elected to serve the people, and not for their selfish, parochial or political interests. Such people, he said, should be named and shamed so much that their people should not vote them into office again. Also such members should be reported to him for drastic action against them.


In his welcome address District Chief Executive (DCE) for the Assembly Ignatius Akwasi Amankwaah charged members to endeavor to close their ranks by putting aside their individual parochial interests and partisan considerations and work together to consolidate the gains made so far.

He stated, “We stand to gain more if we remain united and work together towards achieving the common goals and objectives we set for ourselves. A solid foundation has been laid for the socio-economic development of our District. I therefore invite all of you to join the trail in sustaining the flame of progress. This year we expect to have a better relationship with all other stakeholders who will be required to contribute to the overall development of the District.”


Hon Amankwaah told members that the task before them is enormous. He noted that they will be confronted with a lot of resistance in their duties to the very people who elected them members should therefore be patient, tolerant, innovative adopt an all-embracing and people cantered approach in the discharge of their duties in their individual Electoral areas.

“As a deprived District, our people demand a lot from us since we are the agents of development. They expect nothing short of an improvement in their living conditions. We achieve a plot, if we work together as a team. We must therefore close our ranks and put aside our individual parochial interests and partisan considerations and work together to consolidate the gains that have been made, “he stressed.

By S.O Arukamah, Sefwi Bodi, WNR

Amenga RahmamBodi District AssemblyinaugurationJohn Awuah