Boy, 4, Drowns In Manhole

A Kuntanase District Police report, which confirmed the death of the boy, stated that, “The authorities of the school will be invited for questioning as soon as possible.”
Boy, 4, Drowns In Manhole

A four-year-old pupil of the Top High Academy International School at Abidjan-Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region, has drowned in a 10-feet manhole filled with water.

The boy, identified as Agyeman Anthony, was said to be in school around 4pm on November 30, 2023, when the tragedy struck suddenly. The lifeless body of the young boy has since been conveyed to the St. Michael Hospital mortuary at Pramso for preservation, awaiting autopsy as police investigations continue.

A Kuntanase District Police report, which confirmed the death of the boy, stated that, “The authorities of the school will be invited for questioning as soon as possible.”

Explaining how the boy got drowned, the report said, “On 30/11/2023 at about 5:00pm, one Kofi Amoako of Jachie, came to the Jachie station and reported that on the same day at about 4:00pm, his mother, Joyce Mensah, informed him that his four-year-old son, Agyeman Anthony, who attends Top High Academy International School at Abidjan-Nkwanta, drowned in a pit whilst in school and was rushed to Royal Gate Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.  Police, together with the complainant, visited the Royal Gate Hospital at Abidjan-Nkwanta and met a 4-year-old boy identified as Anthony Agyeman lying supine at the emergency ward, dead.”

The police document, which the DAILY GUIDE has spotted, disclosed that inspection was conducted on the body but no marks of violence was seen on it. “Police later visited the scene at the Top High Academy International School, where a 10-feet manhole containing a large volume of water in the school compound was identified to police as the one that trapped the victim dead,” the report said.


Source: dailyguidenetwork

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