BT Baba Commissions 7 Boreholes to help provide Water to fight Covid-19 in Talensi

BT Baba Commissions 7 Boreholes to help provide Water to fight Covid-19 in Talensi

Member of Parliament for the Talensi Constituency, B.T. Baba has personally and through support from his share of the District Assemblies common fund made two separate donations of PPE in and other items in Talensi on 30th March and 17th April 2020 respectively.

The PPE and items include; examination gloves, N95 face mask, infrared thermometers, hand sanitizers, liquid soap, carbolic soap, and Veronica Buckets. The infrared thermometers and other items meant for the health facilities were handed over to the Talensi Health Directorate and received by the District Director of Health, Madam Estella Abazesi.

All markets and selected busy public places and offices, hairdressers, tailors and seamstresses were also given the Veronica buckets, hand sanitizers, liquid and carbolic soap for their constituents to enable them to frequently wash their hands.

How will constituents regularly wash their hands without available water? Among the several protocols enumerated by WHO, GHS and GMA, washing of hands under running water remains one of the most significant protocols that must be adhered to, to help break the chain of infection of the virus.

This was what prompted the MP for Talensi to aggressively and as a matter of urgency drill 12 boreholes across the constituency especially in communities where there is pressure on the few boreholes available.

The MP has commissioned seven of the boreholes in the following communities; Sheaga (Daziog Yagre), Tongo (Dekpeeng), Tongo (Puhug Saazuk), Winkogo (Dapoore), Tongo (Gung Koruk), Tengzuk (Sakpee), and Gorogo (Gorzore Tengre).

The five that are yet to be commissioned are, Kpale, Kpatia (Kpatizehi), Gbeogo, Gorogo (Belimbiih) and Balungu.

According to the MP, feasibility study is currently on going to add more boreholes across the constituency to mitigate any potential acute water crisis in the future.

The Talensi Lawmaker, is consummately resolute to contribute his quota to the fight against Covid-19 as he believes that the monster called Corona Virus is a common enemy globally that has no respect for any category of people in society.

The Novel Covid-19 Virus has never demanded any political card from any individual or group of individuals before attacking.

“Thousands of people have passed on as a result of this Covid-19 and we must not play partisanship with it. The globe is in a serious economic reverse gear as a result of the virus. Constituents should, therefore, see the virus as a common enemy and fight it vigorously as such,” he stated in an interview.

He humbly called on all the political players to eschew partisanship in the fight against Covid-19, stating that “we must come together devoid of the differences in political ideologies to fight the disease. You are made a leader through living beings not the dead; your leadership must influence the living not the dead. The future generations must write a sound story pregnant of hope and unity”.

He also advised all constituents returning from places with confirmed cases of Covid-19 to self quarantine and report to the appropriate authorities for monitoring.

By Zinekena Solomon T.T.B.

B.T. BabaDistrict Assemblies common funddonationsParliamentpersonallyPPEseparateshareTalensi Constituency