Bunkpurugu MP Lists Achievements  As He Seeks Re-election 

"I, Hon. Dr. Abed Bandim have achieved so much within this two years that I have represented the Bunkpurugu constituency in the Parliament of Ghana, that the people of Bunkpurugu need to reward me with another term. 
Bunkpurugu MP Lists Achievements  As He Seeks Re-election 
The Member of Parliament for the Bunkpurugu constituency, Abed Bandim has enumerated is numerous achievements in the past two years as he seeks the mandate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for reflection as the party’s candidate for the 2024 General election.
In a Facebook post, the MP listed the several gains he has made justifying the need for a second term.
“I, Hon. Dr. Abed Bandim have achieved so much within this two years that I have represented the Bunkpurugu constituency in the Parliament of Ghana, that the people of Bunkpurugu need to reward me with another term.
Apart from the advocacy on the floor of parliament for the good people of Bunkpurugu Constituency, I have brought development to the doorstep of the people.
As an MP in opposition if this is what I can do in two years then I deserve to be maintained.
Vote #2 to maintain.
I want to entreat all delegates to give me an overwhelming endorsement on the 13th of May.
Thank you” stated in the post.
1. Badilong …….. Borehole
2. Boaguri ……..Borehole
3. Daalor……… Mechanized Borehole
4. Bunkpurugu Jabdaawur…….. Mechanized Borehole
5. Najong No. 2…. Borehole (hit dried)
6. Dunglaar Gberuk …….. Borehole
7. Poiga- Bunkpurugu…..Borehole
8. Balinfoliok…….. Borehole
9. Fulani Kuan Tojing….. Borehole
10. Kambatiak Gbinbanmon…… Borehole
11. Tinkpang……. Borehole
12. Talkibiak Gbankoni….. Borehole
13. Sanbiruk…….. Borehole
14. Tusuk………. Borehole
15. Bimbagu…… Borehole
16. Nakpanduri AG church area…… Borehole (hit dried)
17. Kpaliat Kuan……. Borehole.
18. Boaterigu CHPS compound bore hole
19. Nakpanduri Presby SH/Tech Sch…. Borehole
20. Kpentaung.. Borehole
21. Kambagu CHPS Compound..Borehole
1. Najong No. 1 GETFUND 6 classroom block Toilet and Borehole
2. Bunkpurugu SHS…….1flat screen TV, Decoder, and Cash.
3. Nakpanduri Bus. SHS…….. provision of street lights
4. GES……… Sponsored Mock Examination
5. GES……provided Mono desks for Basic schools
6. Tinpant……. Renovation of school block
7. Student sponsorship Tertiary Institutions.
8. Lobbied for the absorption  of Nakpanduri Presby SH/Tech School into the public sector
9. Sanbiruk School …. Assisted with roofing materials
1. Donated four (4) motorbikes to Health Directorate
2. Kinkangu …….. Renovation of CHPS compound
3. Boatarigu……. Renovation of CHPS Compound (CRS)
4. A/G Health Center Kpamuak and zongo Mechanized water system(CRS)
5. Lobbied for the release of NHIS subversions for district health facilities
1. Namunjuak ………. foot bridge
3. Jilig Winwook……  Footbridge
4. Upper Nonyiar……. footbridge
5. Nabulik……footbridge
6. Najong no.1 footbridge
1. Provided eight(8) sets of jersey and footballs for eight (8) teams in the constituency.
1. Boaterigu CHPS Compound with a borehole
2. Nakpanduri small town water system linking Kpammuak, Zongo to A/G Health centre
3. Kambagu CHPS Compound … Borehole
Facilitated in Job creation: (EMPLOYMENT)
Ghana Education Service—74
Security Services— 4.
achievementsBunkpurugu MPDr. Abed BandimParliament of Ghanare-election