W/R: Residents flee to near-by Beposo as gas tanker collides with truck

“A gas tanker and an articulated truck carrying a 40-feet container were involved in a head-on collision at the Supomu Dunkwa cemetery. The residents upon hearing the news of the accident without hesitation began fleeing the community. They went to Beposo which is a walking distance away. Others also went to near-by communities to put up with their relatives and friends,”

More than half of the over 2,000 residents of Supomu Dunkwa in the Shama District of the Western Region on Wednesday, March 9 fled the community to pass the night at neighbouring community Beposo after a gas tanker was involved in a head-on collision with an articulated truck close to the community.

Narrating events leading to the panic exodus to Connect FM, Assembly Member for Supomu Dunkwa Alpha Justice Wonkye said the accident happened at about 8:45pm close to a cemetery, which is few meters away from the community.

“It happened during the match between PSG and Real Madrid,” he said.

“A gas tanker and an articulated truck carrying a 40-feet container were involved in a head-on collision at the Supomu Dunkwa cemetery. The residents upon hearing the news of the accident without hesitation began fleeing the community. They went to Beposo which is a walking distance away. Others also went to near-by communities to put up with their relatives and friends,” he said in local language Fante.

When asked why the panic exodus, Mr. Justice Wonkye said “the events of Appiatse were widely reported and still fresh in the minds of many Ghanaians including those at Supomu Dunkwa”.

“You will also recall the gas explosion that happened at GHUMCO in Takoradi and even at the Inchaban Police barrier during the discharge of gas at the filling station. The fear of the residents was that there could be an explosion and so they decided to flee to escape any possible explosion.”

He mentioned that apart from the driver of the articulated truck who suffered minor injuries on the leg, there was no casualty.

Fortunately, personnel from the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Fire Service were at the scene a few minutes after the collision and were able to bring the situation under control.

“The gas tanker has been towed away. The articulated truck has also been towed to the side of the road and all is back to normal,” the assembly member indicated.

3news.com is reliably informed that members of the community who fled have since begun returning home.


articulated truckgas tankerhead-on collisionSupomu Dunkwa