Cashless Policy will soon Lead to Microchips Implant – The Next Global Agenda

Without the microchip no one will be able to buy or sell. And Revelation 13 is the only chapter of the entire Bible that made reference to this.


Dear friends, It is important that I make you understand the next phase of this global agenda. Although you might not believe it, that won’t stop it from happening.

There will be an introduction of the microchip, which some countries of the world have already adopted. The chip will be implanted into the human body, and it will become a means of identification and payment for all transactions, because the chip will be connected to every aspect of human life, including all business transactions and bank accounts.

It will be used for human profile or biodata, driver license, hospital ID, international passport, which will soon become obsolete, once the chip becomes fully and globally functional. The chip will contain all possible details of identification.

The Microchip will be introduced to society as a social-security measure against financial fraud and kidnapping. It will be made compulsory for everyone, and without this implanted chip, no one will be be able to carryout any financial transaction.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead:

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, threescore and six;” Rev.13:16-18.

Without the microchip no one will be able to buy or sell. And Revelation 13 is the only chapter of the entire Bible that made reference to this.

Now, your next question is this: Is the microchip the mark of the beast? And I shall answer you in a simple and clear way, YES.

You may doubt and argue about it. Your pastor or bishop might say I am wrong. But I know that Bible prophecies are never wrong.

The purpose of this elaborate technology summary is to reinstate one reality, technological advances are paving the way for fulfillment of end–time prophecy. These innovations are creating the environment that the Antichrist and False Prophet will need to wire this world together for their evil purposes. Even now it is well within the range of possibility for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and the purchasing power (paper money to electronic money) . With Tribulation–era the Prophecies are beginning to take shape all around us, we can anticipate the Lord’s return is not far off.

If it seems drastic to connect financial technology with the mark of the Beast the microchip implant , remember that prophecy was written with the words and from the context of human authors in their day. When the apostle John wrote of a mark, he naturally thought of the slave or criminal branding of his day, which would inflict a literal and permanent mark on the hand or forehead. We cannot be sure the mark of the Beast will conform to John’s conception of it. The mark may be an electronic identification signature via cell phone or other device that will control one’s ability to make purchases if the world becomes cashless by the time of the Antichrist.

Thus, if any man have an ear, let him hear, Rev. 13:9

True faithful christians should be aware that this is the moment we have been waiting for. This is the moment when there will be a separation between the sheep and the goats. No one can pretend to be a Christian at this point. It is either you deny Christ or you pay the price for Heaven. It is called the hour of “TRIBULATION”.

We are going into the last phase of the race, so buckle down. Don’t be tired, don’t lose focus, watch and pray; and we shall make it by God’s grace. Heaven is closer than we thought, the end of everything is sooner than expected. O ye saints of God! Never be discouraged, for all of life’s struggles are coming to an end.

By Hebrews Pouyeli

Cashless PolicyImplantMicrochipsThe Next Global Agenda
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