Coalition of Civil Societies against Political Vigilantism Commends the NDC for a Relatively Peaceful Regional Executives Election

This shows how much the polling structures have improved and how much the contestants trust their party’s polling infrastructure, officials and processes.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) organized its Regional Executives Elections across thirteen regions in Ghana from the 11th to the 13th  of November 2022. Barring some disturbances and three  arrests that marred the polls in the Ashanti Region, it was a largely smooth, orderly and relatively peaceful. The Coalition of Civil Societies against Political Vigilantism (CCSAPVs) wishes to commend The National Democratic Congress, the NDC for organizing and executing a relatively peaceful, smooth and violence free Regional Executives Elections in all but the Eastern , Bono East and Ahafo Regions of Ghana .It is a big win for the democratic credentials of the party and an improvement in their  polling conduct as compared to previous years.

The National Democratic Congress has been tagged by some as a violent or vicious party because of the unfortunate incidents of violence, pandemonium and in rare instances bloodshed that have marred their elections at constituency, regional and national levels in times past. It was common place to see vigilantes, hoodlums or even macho men with branded Polo shirts under the guise of private security men fending off supporters and sympathizers of rival candidates in their own way of driving fear and intimidation into them with the motive of protecting the ballot and their candidate’s interest against any malpractice or malfeasance.

This basically stemmed from distrust amongst some candidates about the legitimacy of the polling structures and officials of the party in times past. The regional executives are at the second tier of political power hierarchy in the NDC and one would have thought that due to this, the elections would have been a ‘do or die” affair, but surprisingly, the extreme opposite was what was observed. This shows how much the polling structures have improved and how much the contestants trust their party’s polling infrastructure, officials and processes.

It also emphasizes the fact that the NDC is not power hungry as many have accused them of being following  Ex-President Mahama’s declaration of the 2024 elections as ‘Do or Die Affair” at Akina  FM in Techiman on 7Th   September,2022. The NDC is maturing in its democratic and political credentials and should bask in this glory but nonetheless, do more to consolidate this success chalked.

The Coalition of Civil Societies Against Political Vigilantism commends the youth of the party for not availing themselves as agents of violence for a few pesewas in the current precarious economic situation that we find ourselves in as a nation. With a frail economy as ours and the threat of terrorism constantly hovering over the ECOWAS subregion, vigilantism in political party polls is the last thing the coalition wishes for since it would be a prelude to an unprecedented violence and pandemonium in the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections even as campaigning looms large in 2023 and 2024.

Finally, we urge the Eastern and Ahafo Regional Branches of the NDC to take a cue from the amiable conduct of their statesmen in the other regions as they hold their polls  this weekend not forgetting the  Bono East Region whose elections dates are yet to be announced after their regional elections committee was dissolved following an attack on the Ahafo and Bono East party office at Techiman on July 28th, 2022.

We must collectively protect the peace and security of our dear nation by kicking out vigilantism from our assembly, district and constituency, regional and national elections at political party levels and our Parliamentary and Presidential elections.




Eben Kwaku Fenuku

Chairman, CCSAPV.

For any engagement, please call the following numbers:

Mr Eben Kwaku Fenuku (Chairman)- 0247699994/0209155476

Madam Alima Isahak (Executive Secretary)- 0244222675


The Coalition of Civil Societies Against Political Vigilantism

C/O P.O BOX AN16968


17TH November  2022





civil societiesCoalitionNDCpeacefulpolitical vigilantismRegional Executives Election