Commercial transport operators protest AMA’s decision to handover loading terminal to private individual

The unions have voiced strong opposition to the move, expressing fears that it could lead to significant disruption and confusion at the busy lorry park.

Tension is mounting at Kaneshie in the Greater Accra Region as the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) and other allied transport unions staged a protest against the Accra Metropolitan Assembly’s (AMA) decision to transfer control of the Kaneshie loading terminal to a private individual.

The unions have voiced strong opposition to the move, expressing fears that it could lead to significant disruption and confusion at the busy lorry park.

Protesters gathered at the Kaneshie terminal, chanting slogans and carrying placards to demonstrate their disapproval of the AMA’s decision.

Leaders of the GPRTU and other unions argue that handing over the terminal to a private entity would not only affect the smooth operation of the lorry park but could also result in job losses and increased costs for drivers and passengers.

The unions are resolute in their stance, vowing to resist any attempts by the AMA to proceed with the handover.

They are calling on the city authorities to reconsider the decision, warning that the current tension could escalate if their concerns are not addressed.

As the situation unfolds, commuters and residents in the area are bracing for potential disruptions, with many expressing concerns about the impact this standoff could have on daily transportation services.

Accra Metropolitan Assembly's (AMA)Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU)Kaneshie loading terminalprivate individual