Communication is a Science delivered in an Art Form

Communication is a Science delivered in an Art Form

Several activities have taken me away from these series but I’m back temporarily.
Two stories played out exceedingly well in the broadcast media today; which have without doubt given credence to the well held view that Communication is a Science that must be delivered in an Art Form.

** The Minister of Food and Agric was at the receiving end of public anger when he in an authoritative voice stated the market price of a bunch of plantain.

Some of the Show hosts were aggressive in their approach but I didn’t blame them because they were responding in equal measure to the tone that the Minister applied in the delivery of his categorical statement on the price of a bunch of Plantain and went further to ask for anyone who thinks otherwise to challenge him.
Indeed he got what he asked for….a challenge of extreme proportions resulting in an overwhelming judgement of falsehood and propaganda on his side.

Political leaders who speak to Media must be mindful of the wide coverage of our Media and the speed at which news travels so they can be measured in their public exposure with particular reference to categorical statements that can draw fire and fury from the general public.
The Minister could have escaped the bashing he received on air from market women, professionals, listeners, viewers etc. if he had been measured and sensitive to the prevailing circumstances on the ground.
He must have probably been misinformed by his staff who from his account gave him the figures but the leader bears the brunt not servant.

No public servant and I repeat no public servant should ever attempt to give a specific price to a commodity in our markets in Ghana because we are no longer in a controlled market regime and prices differ from seller to seller and market to market.

** On a brighter note there were discussions about the lack of enforcement of social/physical distancing protocols by The STC Inter City Bus Service.

When the MD of the company Nana Akomea was interviewed he applied his expert knowledge in communications to deal with the development by first admitting that his company had a challenge in fully implementing the directive on the first day but Management quickly called a meeting to address the problem which is now resolved.

His tone was calm and friendly as he explained the process travellers are taken through before they board any STC Bus.
It was reassuring to hear him confirm the readiness of the STC Clinic to assist passengers who would register very high temperature from the passenger screening exercises that are conducted before a passenger buys his/her travel ticket.

These two examples covered by the broadcast media today are public speaking styles that are poles apart yet should have been similar from the perspective of Commuincation that’s well received.

My commendation goes to Hon Nana Akomea who I first met on one of my speaking engagements at one of the best schools in the Western Region of Ghana.

I’m done but just for now.

Communicationlistenersmarket womenNana AkomeaprofessionalsSTC Inter City BusViewers