Cronyism and Controversy: The Gyankroma Akufo-Addo Office Furnishing Saga

When we say this Akyem Mafia folks came with one agenda called AGYAPADIE - inheritance - loot as much as you can, people say we are haters.

When Armah Kofi Buah said Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will never be missed because his 8 years in power has showed us how not to run a country, his wife, beautiful Rebecca got angry and even Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah was made to apologize during his vetting.

But look at this case involving his own daughter and tell me if this is how to run a country.

  1. After accusing your opponent of running a “family and friends” government because he appointed one cousin to the presidency, Nana Addo ended up appointing almost 100 family people into his government, including his own daughter, Gyankroma Akufo-addo.
  2. Gyankroma was Executive Secretary of Creative Arts Agency.
  3. For the eight years Nana Addo was in power, the Akyem Mafia channeled billions of dollars of state funds into all kinds of stuff, which are now subjects of corruption investigations. But his government did not have money to give to the Creative Arts Agency where his own daughter was the boss.
  4. What is even more interesting was that, that whole Agency was so poor that it could not furnish its own office. But the daughter of the President was so rich that she was able to single-handedly use her personal money to furnish that office.
  5. So today, Nana Addo has lost power and Gyankroma have had to vacate her office. While she was leaving, she has taken away all the furnishing she bought for the entire office because the money came out of her own purse.

Ladies and Gentlemen, is this how to run a country? That your family people are way richer than the state and its institutions. So your daughter had enough money to buy stuff for a whole state institution because you did not allocate funds for the purpose. And now we have to live with a situation where she has packed out everything she bought because they belong to her and not to the state.

When we say this Akyem Mafia folks came with one agenda called AGYAPADIE – inheritance – loot as much as you can, people say we are haters.

We have seen an NPP government under JA Kufuor, before it got to Nana Addo’s turn. Was this how Kufuor ran his government? Even if you find flaws with Kufuor, was it this nauseating?

We know of Sakyi-Hughes’ attempt to move items out of his home when he was leaving as the former Speaker of Parliament. But that was his home, and it was not even on this scale.

This Akyem Mafia have really “mafia” us, and I am sure even the NPP folks agree.

If I was Armah Kofi Buah, I will take back my apology without blinking.

By Samuel Nii Narku Dowuona



controversycronyismGyankroma Akufo-AddoOffice Furnishingsaga