Deadly Kpletso Landgrab: Adjorkor and Two other Victims of Military Brutalities buried

The Kpletso Shooting and Assault on unarmed citizens of La and journalists by the Military Landguards could have been averted if Landgrabbing had been severely punished
Deadly Kpletso Landgrab: Adjorkor and Two other Victims of Military Brutalities buried

On the occasion of the 50th Wedding Anniversary to Prof. & Prof. Kuenyehia, it is apt to say that these three dead could have been alive if…

Landgrabbers are treated as Murderers, Thieves and Criminals.

The 15th April, 2021 Shooting and Assault at Kpletso by armed men in Ghana Army uniforms happened 15years after the International Students Hostel Landgrab…

The Kpletso Shooting and Assault on unarmed citizens of La and journalists by the Military Landguards could have been averted if Landgrabbing had been severely punished…

Beyond the retrieval of the International Students Hostel Land which was being stolen by some high profile personalities including a Former Chief Justice with the aid of the government,  the thieves and their accomplices were left to walk free…

Hundreds of other high profile personalities who had also been fraudulently allocated State Lands at the same time by the same government, including yet another former Chief Justice were left to keep their Land Loot and become instant Millionaires…

Whiles Chief Justice Georgina Theodora Woode returned the prime Airport State Land,  Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo is still holding on to the prime Cantonments State Land.

Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo while holding on to fraudulently allocated State Land, sat on a case of yet another Land Looter who had also been fraudulently allocated a Cantonments State Land, Sophia Akuffo (JSC) ruled against Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey in the Ridge Bungalow State Land case rather than recuse herself or return the Cantonments State Land fraudulently allocated to her.

State Lands are selectively being returned to the Original Owners in some instances while encroachers are selectively being removed from other State Lands.

State Lands acquired for use by the Civil Aviation Authority are being annexed by high profile thieves while Samuel Abu Jinapor, the Lands Minister sheepishly looks on.

Adenta Civil Aviation Lands have been annexed by the notorious Landguard Clemence Gyato with the help of his uncle, former Lands Minister Peter Amewu.

The Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission confirmed on national radio that Clemence Gyato has an illegal Agreement with the Lands Ministry to reclaim encroached State Lands and be paid with portions of the State Lands which is shared with some government officials despite the passage of ACT 1036 and criminalization of Vigilantism and Landguardism.

Kennedy Agyepong confirmed being a victim of the Stephen Ntim State Lands Stealing and Selling Scam while he was head of the Lands Commission.

The Cantonments Civil Aviation Land is being looted under the watch of Samuel Abu Jinapor after his predecessor,  Kwaku Asoma-Cheremeh attempted to fraudulently release and retake they land for sharing among faceless developers…

After the Kpobi Tettey Tsuru II vs Attorney General travesty of judgement;

The La Land Looting Spree has hit a new crescendo;

Samuel Abu Jinapor has been lamenting on national television how “all sorts of People we revere in Ghana drive around on weekends looking for State|Stool Lands and Bungalows with little or no activity, then come to his office to pressure me to allocate these prime State|Stool Lands lands to them.”

The La People see how Lands are stolen in the name of the Military and with military Landguards who shoot live bullets and assault them for daring to lay claim to their lands that are being looted.

The La People see how stolen La Lands end up in the wills of Thieves, who will their birthright to their children, family members and friends FOREVER thus depriving the Original Land Owners and their generations of their lands FOREVER.

This is State Sponsored Genocidal Landlessness of the La People.

If the La People were to resort to the International Criminal Court at the Hague to seek justice,  they will meet a certain Akua Kuenyehia who was on the list of persons fraudulently allocated La Land, specifically the International Students Hostel Land at Airport, La.

If Naa Adjorkor,  Naa Akweley and Nii Ako were child of the Kuenyehia’s 50years of matrimony, they would have been alive today.

If Naa Adjorkor,  Naa Akweley and Nii Ako were their children and had died defending the land belonging to the Kuenyehia,  Osafo Marfo,  Akuffo and families of other listed La Land Looters, they would have had Justice not the stonewalling by State Institutions including the Ghana Armed Forces, Ghana Police Service and the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice not to mention the National Media Commission which refused to investigate the assault on journalists at Kpletso by the Military Landguards whose actions resulted in the deaths of Adjorkor,  Akweley and Ako.

I must however,  acknowledge the personal donation of the Defence Minister, Dominic Nititul,  which was made on his behalf by the Chief Director and other Defence Ministry officials at the funeral of the Late Adjorkor in the presence of family members of the other deceased and persons who were injured at Kpletso by the Military Landguards on 15th April, 2021.

The report on the investigation of the Kpletso Shooting and Assault promised by the Military High Command in the 16th April,  2021 must be made public.

Ghanaians deserve answers…

The impunity of the Military since Kpletso,  included Ejura, Wa and Suame all of which have not been brought to closure as nobody including the commanders have been arrested, publicly protected and punished.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

All La Looted Lands, encroached State Acquired Lands and unused State Acquired Lands must be retrieved and returned to the La Stool through the La Mantse in trust for the Stool Subjects as was done in E.I. 432 which was recently used in returning similar State Acquired Ashanti Lands to the Ashantihene in trust for the Subjects of the GOLDEN STOOL.

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana.




By Prince-Derek Adjei

AdjorkordeadlyKPLETSOKpletso ShootingKwaku Asoma-Cheremehlandgrabmilitary brutalitiesSamuel Abu Jinaporvictims