Digitalisation and ESG work together to power a responsible mining sector

WAMPEX attracts over 2000 professionals from more than 16 countries, making WAMPEX one of the most important industry meeting places in the mining calendar. It runs alongside the West African Mining & Power Conference (WAMPOC) where senior government and industry heads and influencers discuss policy, legislation, challenges and market developments.
Digitalisation and ESG work together to power a responsible mining sector

At first, the idea of responsible and sustainable mining may sound like a contradiction. For at face value, minerals once extracted can never be replaced in their original form, and as a sector, mining has a not-so-rosy reputation for generating disruptive and destructive outcomes for both people and the environment.

However, amid the increasing pressure on governments to transition towards greener economic growth, so too are mining companies all over the world turning towards sustainable practices as a key element in their business strategies.

At the 2022 West African Mining & Power Expo (WAMPEX) which takes place between 1 and 3 June at the Accra International Conference Centre, Ghana, leading mining and power professionals from across the globe will come together to share insights and expertise on sustainable solutions for responsible industry change. The 3-day in-person event includes a series of collaborative technical workshops, extended networking opportunities and product demos, as well as a unique opportunity to engage with visiting government members.

Joseph Appiah-Kubi, General Manager at FLSmidth Ghana that is exhibiting at this year’s WAMPEX, believes that digitalisation is an absolute necessity in achieving sustainable and socially acceptable mining.

“Our products use automation and digital technologies to increase efficiency, reduce energy consumption, extend the lifetime of equipment and in general allow for operations that do more with the same or less,” says Appiah-Kubi.

Digital mining solutions company Hexagon will be running an interactive technical workshop at WAMPEX. It couples technology with responsible operations through innovative digital mining products such as Blast Movement Technology, which can increase the yield of mineable gold ore by over 5% compared to any other technology and can lead to a significantly increased life-of-mine, creating jobs and enabling mines.

Dominik Ribi, General Manager at Hexagon, says: “Our systems for collision avoidance and fatigue management have literally saved many lives by avoiding accidents. Such technologies have a long-term effect, not only on the mine and for the company, but also for the surrounding communities and the families of employees.”

For global medical and safety equipment company Dräger, their primary contribution towards a more responsible and sustainable mining future is the development of an integrated safety concept, which sets up mine rescue services to allow for prompt, swift and effective emergency rescue services.

“The costs associated with a mining incident might not be just financial, but reputational,” says Dräger South Africa’s Business Development Manager, Charles Deacon. “For most investors in the mining industry, a safe mine is a productive mine, which in turn is a profitable mine. This is a key message behind our mining safety workshop at WAMPEX 2022, that the cost of not being safe can far exceed the investment.”

Mining and construction equipment company Epiroc is leading the change towards sustainability in mining through zero-emission, battery-electric equipment, while FLSmidth has its own MissionZero ambitions to enable customers move towards zero water waste, zero energy waste and zero emissions by 2030.

“Improved sustainability and better productivity go hand-in-hand, as when companies use less power, or less water, they have a very direct impact on reducing their costs and therefore helping the bottom line. This is the win-win.”

WAMPEX attracts over 2000 professionals from more than 16 countries, making WAMPEX one of the most important industry meeting places in the mining calendar. It runs alongside the West African Mining & Power Conference (WAMPOC) where senior government and industry heads and influencers discuss policy, legislation, challenges and market developments.

“Large conferences like WAMPEX in Accra have a tremendous effect on the global mining sector, by enabling companies to touch base with each other, feel the pulse of what is going on in the mining industry on a global stage, and most importantly, have the opportunity for knowledge-exchange with governments that will be attending the event,’ says Ribi.

Registration for this event is currently open. For more information or to register, visit

DigitalisationESGJoseph Appiah-KubiMining SectorpowerresponsibleWAMPEXWAMPOC