Dr. George Ayisi-Boateng’s Unwarranted Position On GES Boss

The reason for Dr. Ayisi-Boateng’s ugly and nauseating words was because one radio station, Joy FM had misquoted the GES boss on the Free Senior High School (Free SHS) programme.
Dr. George Ayisi-Boateng’s Unwarranted Position On GES Boss


Politics within the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is becoming so ugly and petty that people who are supposed to be elders of the party could stoop so low with dirty agenda.

One of such elders in the NPP is Dr. George Ayisi-Boateng, former Ghana’s Ambassador to South Africa, who shot his mouth wide on issues bothering on the Director-General of the Ghana Education Service (GES), Professor Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa and asked the government to fire him.

The reason for Dr. Ayisi-Boateng’s ugly and nauseating words was because one radio station, Joy FM had misquoted the GES boss on the Free Senior High School (Free SHS) programme.

Joy FM had reported that the GES boss had said the Free SHS was going through some review to see if parents could pay for some aspects of their ward’s secondary education.

Prof. Opoku-Amankwa, knowing very well that he was misquoted issued a disclaimer to Joy FM and the radio station would not deny the fact that it misquoted him.

Audio and videos from that interview confirmed the fact that the GES boss did not state categorically that the Free SHS was under review. All indications shows that Dr. Ayisi-Boateng had not listen or watched the interview but chose to call for the head of the very person who is well acknowledge for his hard work.
Even if Prof. Opoku-Amankwa had said something wrong in the interview, which was not the case, Dr. Ayisi-Boateng should be the last person to call for his sack.

Ghanaians recall how badly he goofed in South Africa as the High Commissioner when he was caught on camera making some discriminatory remarks during a meeting with some members of the Ghanaian community in that country.

His goofing had serious implications on Ghana within the Diplomatic Community in South Africa and beyond, as he was seen as someone who would be there for only a section of the Ghanaian Community and not all Ghanaians.

At the time, he did not see the wisdom in resigning and did not wish for someone to call for his head because it involved him, Dr. Ayisi Boateng.

Just recently, he was engaged in a nasty brawl with Alhaji Sani of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on a radio station in Kumasi and what happened was despicable of an elder but he did not see the wisdom in stopping from radio activities.

Dr. Ayisi-Boateng as an elder of the NPP should have been the first person to call Prof. Opoku-Amankwa to know exactly what he said during the interview with Joy FM but he did not do that but feels that he could sit on radio to call for his head.

As a teacher, I can without any fear of contradiction say that Prof. Opoku-Amankwa is on top of his game and was working in the best interest of Ghana’s education.

As human as the GES boss, he may get certain things wrong but on this occasion, there are enough evidences that shows he was misquoted by Joy FM and anyone who would fault him is just doing so out of mischief and nothing else.

Dr. Ayisi-BoatengDr. George Ayisi-BoatengeducationFree Senior High SchoolFree SHSGES BossJoy FMNPPradio station