ECOVISA: Accra to host Task Force Meeting on the introduction of a harmonised Visa Regime in ECOWAS 

It is within this framework that the Commission is organizing a Task Force Meeting in Accra, Ghana from 6th- 8th April, 2022 for an initial validation of the study on the introduction of ECOVISA.
ECOVISA: Accra to host Task Force Meeting on the introduction of a harmonised Visa Regime in ECOWAS 

The ECOWAS Commission is consolidating its efforts towards the introduction of a harmonized third country visa regime in region (ECOVISA). To this end, the ECOWAS Commission in collaboration with GIZ-AUPB launched a study to assess the level of implementation of various visa regimes in the region and modalities for harmonizing the processing and issuance of visas in the ECOWAS space.

It is within this framework that the Commission is organizing a Task Force Meeting in Accra, Ghana from 6th– 8th April, 2022 for an initial validation of the study on the introduction of ECOVISA.

The three-day meeting will harness the expertise of members of the Task Force comprising experts from Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria and Senegal in the technical assessment of the study and provide recommendations for adoption and implementation by Member States.

Read More: ECOWAS Parliament committed to promoting Integration and Peace – Secretary General

Expected in Accra are experts in charge of issuance of visas as well as experts in charge of control of visas at the entry points. Participants from the ECOWAS Commission and GIZ-AUBP will also attend the meeting.





AccraCOWASECOVISAharmonised Visaregimetask force