ECOWAS Commission to organize the first meeting of the AFC Ad hoc Committee on Community Budgeting and Reporting

ECOWAS Commission to organize the first meeting of the AFC Ad hoc Committee on Community Budgeting and Reporting

The ECOWAS Commission is set to organize the first meeting of the AFC Ad hoc Committee on Results-Based Budgeting and Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting across all ECOWAS Institutions from 2nd to 11th August 2021 in Lomé, Togo. The AFC Ad hoc Committee was set up in December 2020 by the 28th meeting of the ECOWAS Administration and Finance Committee primarily to ensure that the Community budgeting and M&E reporting complies with the requirements of the AFC and that a mechanism is established to improve data collection and reporting on identified performance indicators.

The overall objective of the meeting is to strengthen result-based budgeting and reporting across all ECOWAS Institutions to ensure effective and efficient achievement of program and project results that will contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic wellbeing of Community citizens

More specifically, participants in this meeting will discuss issues such as (i) the structure and contents of the annual performance report of Community Institutions, (ii) the structure and contents of the budget implementation report, and (iii) the program log frame for the ECOWAS institutions and guidance of the Member States on its implementation.

Discussions should enable participants to reach a consensus on, among other things, structure and contents of the annual performance report of the Community Institutions, guidelines for collection of sectoral data on indicators from Member States, coordination framework for collection of sectoral data on indicators from member States, revised budget presentation template for Community Institutions, structure and contents of the budget implementation report and program log frame of ECOWAS institutions.

Attendance is extended to the heads of ECOWAS national offices, experts from the ministries of finance who are members of the ECOWAS Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) and monitoring and evaluation experts from the ministries responsible for planning and economic development of Member States with the technical facilitation and support of ECOWAS executives and officials such as the Vice President of the Commission, the Commissioner for finance, the Auditor General, the Director of Budget and Treasury, the Director of Financial Reporting, the Director of External Relations, the Director of Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and technical staff of strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, and finance.

Scheduled for Monday, August 2nd, 2021, from 9 am GMT, the meeting will be declared open by the Togolese Minister for Economy and Finance and will also have in attendance his Colleague Minister for Planning and Economic Development


Ad hoc CommitteeAFCBudgetingCommunityECOWAS CommissionReportingto organize the first meeting