ECOWAS Research and Innovation Support Programme (PARI) awards a second researcher: Prof Jean David N’Guessan receives US$200,000 on behalf of his consortium.

The award of US$ 200,000 was presented by Prof Arsène Kobea, Chief of Staff to the Honourable Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Adama DIARRA
ECOWAS Research and Innovation Support Programme (PARI) awards    a second researcher: Prof Jean David N’Guessan receives US$200,000 on behalf of his consortium.

An award presentation ceremony was held at Université Félix Houphouët Boigny in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 11 August 2021, as part of the 2020 edition of the ECOWAS Research and Innovation Support Programme (PARI). Prof Jean David N’Guessan, second winner of this edition, received the award on behalf of his consortium. 

The award of US$ 200,000 was presented by Prof Arsène Kobea, Chief of Staff to the Honourable Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Adama DIARRA. In attendance at the award ceremony were Dr Kalilou Sylla, Chief of Staff to the Minister for African Integration and of Ivorians Abroad, Prof Zié Ballo, alongside the Vice Chancellor of Université Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan, the deputy vice chancellor and several deans, sub deans, departmental heads, senior non-academic staff, academic researchers, researchers and students of Université Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan.

Also in attendance were Prof Abdoulaye Maga, ECOWAS Director of Education, Science and Culture, representing Dr Mamadu Jao, ECOWAS Commissioner for Education, Science and Culture, as well as Dr Roland Kouakou, Head of Division Scientific Research and Innovation, ECOWAS Commission, and Mr Wanyou Ouraga Jerome, Head of Mission, Office of the ECOWAS Representative in Cote d’Ivoire.

The award-winning research topic as proposed by the consortium is “Observational Study and Galenic Formulation of Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Malaria in three Member Countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)”.

Besides Prof N’Guessan, members of the consortium include Dr Benoit Bangah of the University of Ghana and Dr Lara Ferrero Gomez of Jean-Piaget University, Praia, Cabo Verde. The study will also involve several researchers and physicians from the three countries, and from Guinea Bissau.

The 2021 edition of PARI is scheduled to kick-off in the fourth quarter of this year and will focus on earth and life sciences or basic sciences, technology and innovation. Information on the entry criteria will be disseminated in due course to the research community in West Africa.

AwardsconsortiumECOWASPARIProf Jean David N’GuessanResearch and Innovation Support Programmeresearcher