Ejura Audio Reveals #FixTheCountry Activist Murdered Over Social Activism

Ejura Audio Reveals #FixTheCountry Activist Murdered Over Social Activism

-As Peeved Family Rubbishes “Biased” Committee To Investigate Bloodletting.

Whatsup News is in possession of audio recordings made by the slain #FixTheCountry social media activistIbrahim Mohammed, alias “Kaaka”, revealing conclusively that he was murdered for reportedly making the Akufo-Addo administration “unpopular” by showing social ills and deprivation in his community of Ejura in the Ashanti Region.

In the damning audio, Kaaka had been confronted by a group of angry men who he said were sent by Mohammed Salisu Bamba, the Municipal Chief Executive of the Ejura-Sekyeredumase municipality to stop him from highlighting the abject deprivation that the people of Ejura were suffering because his activism was making the government “unpopular”.

In the audio, the group of governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) thugs were attempting Kaaka to window-dress his narrative and not show the negative sides of Ejura. But Kaaka refused vehemently, this prompted the thugs to threaten to get rid of him.

In another audio to an unknown person, Kaaka placed a telephone call expressing fears over the incident, saying “It’s in my effort in shooting videos like this that the MCE sent people to me yesterday that my action was making him unpopular…and that if I don’t stop, whatever happens to me, I called for it.”

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A defiant Kaaka told the person on the other line that he refused to budge and decided to film another video that he uploaded on Facebook, saying “ So, I decided to shoot the video so my audience will see that if I get beaten or something happens to me, it is because this video I am shooting.”

Kaaka went ahead to challenge the MCE Salisu Bamba that “ if he insists he did not send them, that I was accusing him wrongly, then he should take the matter up in court, so we all know who is telling the truth.”

A few days later, the Police Commander in the Ejura-Sekyeredumase Police Command reinforced the fact that the activism of Kaaka was making some people in government uncomfortable and warned him to “desist” from his social activism.

Barely a week after that strange warning, a group of thugs ambushed Kaaka and clubbed him to death, sparking a protest on Kaaka’s funeral day in Ejura. In response, to the protest, the Ghana armed forces sent fully armed soldiers to the scene and started shooting into the crowd without provocation.

Two young men were killed on the spot, with one of them shot in the back while fleeing and more than six other sustained serious injuries. Later, one of the injured will also die making the tally three dead and almost a dozen injured.

The Interior Minister Ambrose Dery has set up a committee to investigate the sequence of events, but already, the posture of the committee headed by Justice George Kingsley Koomson, alongside other members like Dr. Vladimir Antwi Danso and Juliet Amoah, has forced a wide cross-section of the public to conclude that the committee is a window-dressing one with their reported biased twist to the narration.

The committee’s narrative has been pointed out to be directing the narrative to blame the media, particularly the Multimedia Group for being the cause of the bloodletting at Ejura. In fact, in one of the seating, the Chairman of the Committee, Justice Koomson, unable to hide his alleged bias has fallaciously stated that most wars in history were sparked by the media.

It is based on this suspicion of bias that the family of Kaaka has declined an invitation to appear before the committee.

In an 8th July letter signed by a family spokesman, Nafiu Mohammed, the Committee was told that the scope of its terms of reference is too nebulous and neglects the genesis of the State-sponsored bloodletting at Ejura – the murder of Kaaka.

“That, as we understand, the scope of the Committee’s terms of reference, however nebulous, does not relate to the circumstances that led to the Kaaka’s murder; or the circumstances that led to his burial… the circumstances that led to the deployment of the military to intimidate and indiscriminately shoot at a community that was grieving a loved one; and still trying to come to terms with the circumstances and motivations for his murder. In this connection, we the mother, wife, children, siblings and extended family of Kaaka are least competent to assist the Committee perform that mandate” the letter said.

And this is just one of eight cogent reasons that the family gave for its decision to not appear before the Committee.

Explaining that the decision not to appear has been counseled by their lawyers, the Kaaka family punched holes into the legal framework for the three members Committee.

The family also pointed out its apprehensive about the “Committee receiving testimony from persons who could potentially be called to testify in the criminal trial relating to the murder of Kaaka, or in the subsequent criminal trial of the individuals who are criminally culpable of the shooting of unarmed civilians and children in Ejura.”

The family also expressed concern about what it said was the Committee’s deliberate moves to cast aspersions on live video footage from the events of the murders of both Kaaka, and subsequently the demonstrators who were shot at by Police and Military.

The letter expressed sadness that the Committee is also encouraging a false narrative that Kaaka had been murdered by his own brother, Iddi Mohammed.

Source: Whatsupnewsghana

#FixTheCountryactivistaudioejuramurderNafiu MohammedSocial Activismspokesman