Engineer in trouble for allegedly swindling farmer of GH¢99,810

The court heard that the ac­cused sent pictures of some trac­tors to the complainant to choose two out of them, adding that they (two) cost GH¢52,600.00 and GH¢62,000.00 respectively.

The Accra Circuit Court Nine has issued a bench warrant for the arrest of a mechanical engineer, who al­legedly took GH¢99,810.00 from a farmer under the pretext of securing her two tractors.

Justice KwameAmenya, the accused, failed to turn up when the case was presented in court.

The court presided over by Mr Samuel Bright Acquah ad­journed the matter to September 2, 2024.

The prosecution said Ms Mabel Lariba Bukari, the com­plainant, was a farmer residing at Manyira Pokuase, whereas Amenya, resided at Oyarifa.

The court heard that last year, Ms Bukari was introduced to Amenya by a friend that he was a staff at Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), who (ac­cused) could assist complainant to purchase auctioned tractors from the ministry.

The prosecution said that Ms Bukariin a bid to buying the trac­tors linked up with Amenya.

The court heard that the ac­cused sent pictures of some trac­tors to the complainant to choose two out of them, adding that they (two) cost GH¢52,600.00 and GH¢62,000.00 respectively.

The court was told that on September 14, last year, Ms­Bukari, gave GH¢23,000.00 to her son, Emmanuel Apatuween Anankra, a witness in the case, who deposited the money into MOFA/MOF ESCROW’s account at Ghana Commercial Bank Ministries’ branch.

According to prosecution, witness made another deposit of GH¢35,000.00 into a different Bank account at Zenith Bank for the cost of brand new II Raw Multi Crop Planter and Multi Crop Thresher B 340 T.

The prosecution said later, the complainant asked Amenya

to refund the money sent since she did not want that equip­ment. Amenya agreed but later informed complainant that there were tractors available to be auctioned and Ms Bukaria gain showed interest.

The court was informed that Amenya was able to re­fund GH¢23,000.00 which was paid into the MOFA/MOF ESCROW’s account at Ghana Commercial Bank.

Again, Amenya told Ms Bukari that the Ministry need­ed foodstuffs and complainant should supply food stuff to cover the balance of GH¢56,000 00.

He heard that Ms Bukari gave Amenya foodstuff amounting to GH¢32,300.00 and again sup­plied foodstuffs amounting to GH¢23,510.00, and transferred the remaining GH¢1,500.00 (in cash) to Amenya for the said tractors, but he failed to fulfil his promise

Accra Circuit Court Ninebench warrant for the arrest of a mechanical engineerfarmertractors