Extend the Lockdown to two more weeks, Nationwide: A True Letter to the President of Ghana – Educate Ghana Summit

Extend the Lockdown to two more weeks, Nationwide: A True Letter to the President of Ghana – Educate Ghana Summit

Mr. president, a learned man once said something very thrilling. He said that “he who does not appreciate depreciates” and so also I say. On this front, I wish to convey to you in cold print marks of appreciations for your decisiveness, full and unalloyed efforts in combating the novel covid-19 pandemic bedevilling as a people.

This is exactly leadership of a high kind. I am also not oblivious of the scores of sacrifices and donations made by our former leader, ex-president John Dramani Mahama. To the numerous Ghanaian people who have made plentiful donations and and are still doing, may the blessings of our unseen God remain with you now and forever more.

I also commend my able Policy and Research Director Mr. Akoto Prosper Dyon for the great research works he is doing.

Mr. President, a man whose house is on fire does not pursue rat. Therefore, I would go straightaway to put forward my submission to you.

The management of E.G.S would by this letter wish to make a solemn request to you to extend the lockdown to two more weeks to help control the spread of the COVID-19 in the country. Should we refuse to extend it and allow people to get back to the streets and to work from next week, we are more likely going to experience an explosion or a rebound of the virus. This may escalate and outdo our frontline health workers who are already heavy laden with duty.
Not extending the lockdown to two more weeks renders all your previous efforts irrelevant and trivial.

Mr.President, what is even more important is that the partial lockdown must be extended to all the 16 regions. And I say this with all the heaviness of tonation. This would be the only prudent way to break the spread of the virus nationwide.

This extension should also cover the huge number of people who relocated to the various regions on the eve of the lockdown in Accra and Kumasi as there is a higher possibility of some of these migrants carrying the virus and therefore spreading it in these virgin communities.

Mr. President, I can see that we are already crying for want; if drastic measures are not therefore put in place to curtail it now, we shall all find ourselves wanting in the few weeks ahead.

The exemptions given to ease life for the masses in the lockdown regions are enough for it to be extended to all the other regions to keep the whole nation safe.
I have listened to the myriad of opinions put forward by some of our leaders and the suffering masses. Some espoused that the lockdown will confer some hardship on the less privileged, companies and the government as a whole but that shouldn’t stop the lockdown since a life lost is irreplaceable. The logic of this argument is false and misguided and it is dangerous to argue holistically.

If the economy is broken, supposedly, we can refix the broken economy but we can’t replace lives. Having in mind that 5 regions have recorded positive cases, we need not wait till all the regions start recording positive cases before we include them in the lockdown; for prevention has always been better than cure.

Fellow Ghanaians, this is the time for our President to take such a bold decision for the entire nation to help stop the spread of the virus.

We call on all citizens to cooperate with leadership in these hard times for our collective good. You cannot expect to stay on the right path if you are walking with the wrong people. Let’s change our mindsets for good.

Let us stay home as much as possible to help ourselves and the government;

Mr. President, I humbly implore you to consider granting subsidies to the following amenities to ease livelihood.

  1. Electricity bill
  2. Petrol
  3. Rent.
  4. Equity food supply.
  5. Communication bill.
  6. Also grant Insurance packages for our security personnel since they are putting their lives on the line to combat the pandemic too.

Fellow Ghanaians, let’s endure this temporary situation to save our lives. We shall overcome one day. Yes, we can because “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”, said Mike Tyson.

Mr.president , thank you for your kind and polite attention. Together we shall rise to the sky .


William Boadi
CEO, Educationist, Author and Motivational Speaker.

E.G.S….We Educate The Nation

appreciateCurfewdepreciatesLockdownprotectionWilliam Boadi