Fadi Dabbousi: From the Brothels of Bigotry: Rev John Mahama and Catechist Sam George

Sam George is good only as food for the sharks that lurk off the coast of his constituency! Who knows, maybe, just maybe, someone will actually feed him to the sharks, but will any shark be audacious enough to eat shit?
Fadi Dabbousi: From the Brothels of Bigotry: Rev John Mahama and Catechist Sam George

Such uncompromising nincompoops as the reinvented John Mahama and uncouth Sam George who have, both, openly affirmed that they are religious bigots, fanning all manner of unholy sentiments meant to stir up anti Bawumia feelings albeit an effort in futility. This uncuddly ball of blubber turned catechist, Sam George, has not learnt his lesson after being told many times that advice cannot be taken from the half ton lips of a brothel keeper. He is all over the place exhibiting his bitter hatred for Muslims, calling Dr Bawumia all sorts of unprintable names. Well, guess what, if we have to slug it out in the gutters, so be it. The consideration here is not Dr Bawumia per se, but a disturbing precedent being established by the goons of the NDC under the nose of their Muslim comrades who, unfortunately, seem not to have found their voices to defend the religion of ALLAH.

First and foremost, let me educate this fart on a principle that we, Muslims, abide by. After the siege of 637 AD by the Muslim Rashiduun army, the caliph at the time, Omar (RA), went to Jerusalem to accept the surrender of the city, which Patriarch Sophronius had refused to do except to the former. He then came up close to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to pray. That was when Patriarch Sophronius invited the Caliph in to perform the prayer, which Omar declined for no other reason than to avoid a situation where the church could possibly be turned into a mosque. So, the Caliph, Omar (RA), prayed on the steps East of the Church, where a mosque was built in its vicinity, at the place of surrender. It is still standing tall to our present day. Muslims are allowed to pray on the floor of churches whether inside or outside of the building. Sam George needs a lot of education. It looks like he knows next to nothing except shoving his tongue through the tunnel between his front teeth (by the way they are called incisors, George; I doubt you know that)! When a Muslim goes to church, they are attending in a show of religious tolerance, and that is exactly what Dr Bawumia seeks to express. Besides, he is not an extremist as Sam George and John Mahama who can kill in the name of bigotry, be it religious or racial, to which they both subscribe!

So, using the shitty standards set by Sam George, “Reverend” John Mahama is more than a religious harlot because he has been into many mosques during his unforgettable tenure of great incompetence as Assembly man, Member of Parliament, Vice President and President. Not only was he a prostitute of grand fame, he emphasised this status quo as a drunken reverend, too, when he attended the Maulid a few weeks ago fully drunk to the extent of nearly suffocating the Chief Imam with his breath (in local parlance, we say, “he was blowing fuse paaaa”! So, we have established that Reverend John Mahama is a “fuse blowing” religious prostitute of whorish traits!

Now let us peruse this awful catechist, Sam George. He claims that there are neither Muslims in his constituency nor Mosques. That, shamefully, is an outrageous lie. How many times has he gone begging the Muslims in spite of the hatred that hisses through his teeth for them? How many times has he gone into mosques and squatted before Imams. Is it not true that on one occasion he could not contain the gas that had overbloated him and had to let out a loud fart as he squatted in front of a religious leader to discuss his agenda? Now, tell me, is Sam George, not a religious prostitute, going to church on Sunday or whichever day he does, and playing the revert whenever he is on the campaign trail?  Such an apology of a character, who has no remorse for being the vile devil that he is. It looks like he repents only when he is slapped hard! What a hypocrite! By the way, the pair of slippers that the Imam of Ashanti Region wears to the restroom is cleaner and more tolerant than this dirty charlatan!

Sam George is good only as food for the sharks that lurk off the coast of his constituency! Who knows, maybe, just maybe, someone will actually feed him to the sharks, but will any shark be audacious enough to eat shit?

By Fadi Dabbousi

bigotrybrothelsCatechistFadi DabbousiJohn MahamaSam George