Forgive and Forget Military Brutalities: Absolute Nonesense or Words of Wisdom?

Forgive and Forget Military Brutalities: Absolute Nonesense or Words of Wisdom?

Crimes have been committed by the Military from La to Wa.

The President believes that “Sorry, let’s move on” is the best thing the Commander-In-Chief must say?

Yesterday President Akufo-Addo said he personally came to Wa because of the Military assault on the people of WA.

He joined the Minister of Defence and the Military High Command to beg for forgiveness for the Military men who went around in the streets of Wa assaulting everybody they see, including pregnant women.

Hopefully he will continue to Ejura and apologise for the shooting by the Military; and again say “Sorry, let’s move on”.

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Regardless of the deaths and injuries the President will expect the Military brutality to be put behind us.

So why was the Committee of Enquiry set up?

As for La, he has been silent and is likely to stay silent as the Military Steal the prime land, beat the People and shoot live bullets.

The Military High Command is not bothered to make public it’s investigation into the assault of journalists and citizens of La by the Military at Kpletso and sadly the President and Defence Minister are not bothered either.

President Akufo-Addo, Samuel Abu Jinapor, Dominic Nutiwul and the Military High Command must be called to order, lest the Military will strike again elsewhere with even greater impunity.

If Ghanaians do not insist on the thorough investigations, arrests and prosecution of those who deployed the soldiers and the soldiers who carried out the atrocities, we will have ourselves to blame.

Why will the President set aside the law and due process and insist on “Forgive and Forget” as remedy to criminality?

Let us all stop this; lest we are to blamed for being spectators.


By Prince Derek Adjei 

AbsoluteForgetforgivemilitary brutalitiesNonesenseWords of Wisdom