Ghana Library initiates new E-Learning program

Ghana Library initiates new E-Learning program

In an attempt to reach Ghanaians all over the country, the Ghana Library Authority has released a program referred to as ‘Read2Skill’, developed on Udemy, one of the world’s biggest stages for open learning.

The initiative offers full scholarships to 1000 Ghanaians who are selected after applications.

The Read2Skill initiative is shaping up to be a crucial part of the Ghana Library Authority’s Year of Learning strategy and is sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning, the only inter-governmental group that has devoted itself to help and advance open learning and distance education in the world.

Janice Tagoe Head of Technology and Innovation, Ghana Library Authority said, ‘For decades, Libraries have been known as the university for everyone and we are just living by our true existence; that is; to be the university for everyone.’

Acting Head of Corporate Affairs, Ghana Library Authority, said courses that will be accessible for the scholarship recipients will be in the fields of Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Project Management.

Other courses include IT Operations, Design, Finance and Accounting, Human Resource, Leadership and Management, Office Productivity, Marketing, and Sales.

To participate in the programme, interested applicants can apply at as the deadline for applications is 31st January 2020.

The Commonwealth of Learning is also sponsoring countries like Kenya, Rwanda and Bangladesh to offer students opportunities like those offered by Read2Skill.

SOURCE: techvoiceafrica
‘Read2Skill’Cloud ComputingData ScienceGhana Library AuthorityGhanaiansopen learningUdemy