Ghana@Crossroads: IMF, Sri Lanka, State of Emergency or a U-TURN BACK TO GHANA?

The Sri Lanka Uprising is similar to the Arab Spring but more worrying is the striking similarity in the reasons to the current Ghanaian situation.
Ghana@Crossroads: IMF, Sri Lanka, State of Emergency or a U-TURN BACK TO GHANA?

Ghana is in an avoidable Debt Crisis, on the verge of Bankruptcy still charting a path to a Failed State.

The avoidable debt ditch was dug by the President and his family member-dominated government, in particular those in charge of the Country’s Finances and those Looting State Assets and Lands.

President Akufo-Addo has ignored several warnings at various junctions on his way to this crossroads; his predecessor even held a public forum with the theme “Ghana @ Crossroads” but again Akufo-Addo ignored…

As things worsened, Ghanaian Workers began speaking out, then talking loud, then screaming at every junction till they begun to STRIKE and threaten indefinite strikes, demonstrations and possible civil disobedience or UPRISING…

The Sri Lanka Uprising is similar to the Arab Spring but more worrying is the striking similarity in the reasons to the current Ghanaian situation.

Ghana may finally be headed belatedly to the IMF for a bailout after several denials…

Sri Lanka is already at the IMF, yet it didn’t stop the citizenry chasing out the President and his family-government…

Going to the IMF doesn’t guarantee anything except unearthing the true situation of the Debt, Borrowing, Expenditure and Corruption which is already emerging despite the slow pace of the Government and the Bank of Ghana releasing documents to the IMF.

Ghana needs to make an immediate U-TURN to avoid getting to its destination of a Failed State via Sri Lanka.

There must be an immediate action to confiscate assets and bank accounts of all those who are found to have looted State Funds and State Lands as well as Nationalise the companies that profited from the binge borrowing by the Finance Minister and his deputy, namely Databank, GoldCoast and the Enterprise Group including Enterprise Insurance and any others.

The companies that were used as conduits to siphon COVID-19 funds such as Frontier Healthcare Sevices and Zoomlion must also be Nationalised to secure funds belonging to Ghana.

Surcharge and Disallowance must be employed to retrieve all State Funds illegally appropriated from the public purse.

All State Acquired Lands fraudulently allocated to private persons must be retrieved to the State and those beneficiaries made to pay, be prosecuted and punished together with their accomplices at the Lands Commission and other State officials.

The Original Land Owners must duly compensated through equity in any business on these Lands in lieu of financial compensation from the dry public purse, while the return of such Looted Lands is done as per Article 20 of the Ghanaian Constitution and along the lines of E.I. 432 which was recently used in returning Ashanti Region Lands to the Asantehene in trust for the Subjects of the GOLDEN STOOL, that La Lands are to the La Mantse in trust for the Subjects of the LA STOOL, as the case may be.

Land is a basic requirement for production and development.

Agenda 111 and other government projects are having difficulty in securing Lands because State Acquired Lands are often allocated fraudulently to private persons depriving the Original Land Owners of their lands FOREVER.

Ghana really doesn’t need money from the IMF.

Going to the IMF was necessary because the true financial, debt, borrowing and expenditure situation which it was hiding from Parliament despite the efforts of the Minority in Parliament and the opposition NDC will be unearthed for everybody to know.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators;

The buck stops at the Jubilee House where David Adjaye, the Cathedral Project, Tradefair Project, Agenda 111 and Marine Drive Project were sole sourced…

Ghanaians will picket at the Jubilee House if the President and his Family-Dominated Government continue to behave like the Sri Lankan President and his Family-Dominated Government did until they were chased out of power by the people.

Power emanates from the people;

It is the prayer of most Ghanaians that President Akufo-Addo and his Family-Dominated Government will not test People Power.

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana and help us RESIST OPPRESSOR’S RULE.

AriseGhana Youth for your country…





By Prince-Derek Adjei


Agenda 111crossroadsFrontier Healthcare SevicesGhanaIMFMarine Drive Projectpresident Akufo-AddoSri LankaState of EmergencyTrade Fair ProjectZoomlion