How Pius Hadzide disgraced himself again on live Television

It all happened after the former deputy information minister after sitting in the show for about half of the time, unexpectedly  started registering his opposition to the host
How Pius Hadzide disgraced himself again on live Television

A former Deputy Minister of Information Pius Enam Hadzide has accused co-host of TV3’s Newday programme Johnnie Hughes of “open bias”.

According to Pius who was on the show on Monday August 16, 2021, the host was uneven while conducting programme which also had the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Adaklu constituency, Governs Kwami Agbodza.

It all happened after the former deputy information minister after sitting in the show for about half of the time, unexpectedly  started registering his opposition to the host over what he called an ‘Open bias” against him as they discussed headlines of the newspapers.

He went on to accuse Johnnie of allowing his colleague panel member, to have a field day by making outrageous and unsubstantiated claims while the host looked on. This he deemed was unacceptable and demanded that the host watch it.

But Johnnie who did not take that lying low vehemently protested indicating that the politician’s attempt to discredit and attack him, will not work because he has tried a couple of times and he was unsuccessful.

Below is what went on between the two forcing the host to end the show:

Johnni, I have major issue with your open bias against me. You sit here and listen to Honourable Agboza make outrageous claims and as host, you look on, you dont ask any question you allow him.

Sometimes, you encourage him by asking some leading questions only for him to continue to misinform and you do that deliberately.

Johnnie: Are you done with my bias because you have been doing that since forever.

Pius: Yes and I will continue to do that and I expected….

Johnnie: And you have not succeeded are you aware?

Pius: And I don’t mind…..

Johnnie: I want you to cite the example that suggests that I am being biased because in the first instance when I tabled the matter, I gave you 12 minutes and I gave him 5 minutes.

Pius: How is that possible?

Johnnie: Lets move on, you are just impossible.

Pius: I wont even respond to your question anymore because when Honourable Agboza goes on, you never asked him these question then you turn around to ask me so next time you ask me questions, I wont dignify with a response, I will not.

Johnnie: Them you will not come here anymore.

Pius: You don’t choose who comes here for the NPP, you don’t choose that.

Johnnie: I have asked you a question you are not answering, you are going on and on.

Pius: I said I want to make an observation.

Johnnie: Your views are not important.

Pius: You don’t determine what is important.

Johnnie: But you are not the editor of the show.

Pius: Even the editor doesn’t tell me what to say.

Johnnie: Pius Hadzide, I am asking you a question you are here as a panelist, I am the host listen to my question and answer it. If you don’t have an answer please keep quiet so we can move on. I ‘m saying to you now that the people around the border town are calling for the border to be opened is it a good call, bad call?

Pius: I am a person from the border, so if people are asking for the borders to be opened, it will be good for persons like me but I can still answer your question and I will respectfully do that but that does not preclude me from exposing you and talking about your style.

Johnnie: You don’t have what it takes to expose me.

Pius: I do Johnny, don’t think yourself any better than any ordinary Ghanaian. Why do you say that I don’t have what it takes? You sit here and you attempt to correct His Excellency even the President and you tell me I cannot correct you? And you say I cannot correct you?

Johnny, first of all, you may not like what I say on your programme you are hosting the show, you may not like it but you cannot take away my right from saying what I want to say.

Johnnie: You cannot attack me and say what you are saying. If you want to go on like that you can go don’t attack me. You don’t feed me to attack me. No you have done it before, I wont give you the chance to do it again. Don’t attack me, you can make your point, you can disagree without being disagreeable don’t attack me. if you attack me, I wont accept it. You can make your point.

Pius: I don’t even know what you mean by attack, I dont know what you mean.

Johnnie: I have asked you a question please answer the question.

Pius: Johnny, dont do that. I am saying to you that you may not like what i have to say but let the viewing public who you serve be the judges of what I have to say so please.

Johnnie: So don’t cast a verdict on me.

Pius: I am saying that i have watched you before.

Johnnie: And I have made progress.

Pius: This is how you degenerate a good programme and good hosts don’t do that.

Johnnie: I have been here since 2017.

Pius: It doesn’t mean that you are a good host. You could be here before Adam, it doesnt make you a good host.

Johnnie: I have been here since 2017, the show has been number one on the tracker before you became a deputy minister.

Pius: It doen’t make you a good host. I am saying that if you allow me we will make progress, I am not hurting you

Johnie: Pius, answer the question if not, we will end the show. I am not in ideological classroom with you. If not, we will end the show.

Pius: I am saying you don’t determine how I answer your question.

Johnnie: Thank you very much for coming……

Pius: These are the people who talk about culture of silence.


disgracedJohnnie HuhesKwame AgbodzaNewDayPius HadzidetelevisionTV3