Hundreds Mourn with Former MP for Prestea/Huni-Valley

In a pre-burial service, Rev. Addai – Yeboah, while expressing his condolences to Hon. Obbin and the family stated that death is inevitable and opens the way for mankind to meet with his creator to account for his stewardship while on earth.
Hundreds Mourn with Former MP for Prestea/Huni-Valley

Hundreds of mourners from all walks of life, recently trooped to the Town of Bogoso in the Western Region to mourn with Hon. Albert Kwaku Obbin former Member of Parliament (MP) for Prestea Huni-Valley Constituency.

This was on the occasion of the observation of the funeral rites of his first and only daughter, Jemima Obbin. Amongst the mourners were chiefs, Queen Mothers, Politicians, Friends and relatives of the bereaved Obbin, who represented the people on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from 2000 – 2008 during the administration of President John Agyekum Kufour.

Notable amongst the esteemed mourners were Hon. Kofi Blay who stepped into the MP’s shoes when he left office in 2008 NPP Chairman Abian Danso, whose tenure of office concided with that of Hon. Obbin, Nana Otis, Gyaashene of Kitapong, Nana Afua Adjo, Paramount Queen Mother of the Wassa Fiase Traditional Area and her entourage comprising Pastor Donkor and Mad. Katherine Morgan, Proposed chief and Queen mother respectively for Aboso and many others.

Others were Hon. Eugene Gifty Kusi former MP for Tarkwa Nsuaem who also doubled as chief whip while in Parliament and Deputy Western Regional Minister with President Akufo – Addo first four years term and her Husband, Mr. Kusi the NPP and NDC representatives and many more.

Also in attendance were, Very Rev. Yaw Addai – Yeboah, presiding Pastor for the Ebenezer Methodist Circuit Church of Bogoso and members of the church.

In a pre-burial service, Rev. Addai – Yeboah, while expressing his condolences to Hon. Obbin and the family stated that death is inevitable and opens the way for mankind to meet with his creator to account for his stewardship while on earth.

Rev. Addai Yeboah pointed out that it is against this background that every person should endeavor to live a good life that is satisfactory to his maker while on earth or alive. He charged Christians to put their house in order while alive, so that they cannot regret after death as happened in the case of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. This is because after death there is no repentance. People should therefore desist from all ills and vices detestable to God. He charged people to be in constant in Gods House, to get advice instead of attending parties and getting involved in all mis deeds, only to get condemned after death.

Rev. Addai – Yeboah was quick to point out that since the late Jemima was a devoted Christian, who endured in the service of God and mankind while on earth, he prayed that she got a good stay in the Bossom of her maker after her death.

Jemima happened to be the first body to be prayed for in the New Church Building which is yet to be completed.

Hon. Obbin while enduring his grief in stoicism and fortitude expressed gratitude to all and sundry who turned up to mourn with him in his trying moments.

According to Mr. Abeiku Yankson, NPP Constituency Organizer and NADMO Constituency Coordinator it was during Hon. Obbin’s time that the Bogoso Assembly gained autonomy as a Municipality. It was also during his time that the town roads saw tarring but had seen no more tarring ever since. He maintained that it was sad that the good works of Hon. Obbin seemed to have fallen into oblivion with the people since he left office.

“Nevertheless, Hon. Obbin has done much for the people, the community and the constituency”! He stressed.

The hardworking MP has virtually been rioting home at since he left office in 2008 and for him to suffer such a misfortune this moment is not only worrying but very devastating as his own party members seem to have abandoned him as they were conspicuously absent during his bereavement. We gathered that he run at a loss after the funeral.

By S.O Ankamah, Bogoso W/R


Abeiku YanksonAlbert Kwaku ObbinFormer MPmournNPP ConstituencyPrestea Huni-Valley