I Don’t Know What Someone Will Do To My Vice When I Unveil Her- Cheddar

According to him, a female will perfectly complement his leadership and reflect nature. “It is a she, of course, it is a she.
I Don’t Know What Someone Will Do To My Vice When I Unveil Her- Cheddar

The Founder and leader of the New Force Movement, Nana Kwame Bediako has offered grounds for his delay in publicly announcing his running mate in his quest to win the 2024 Presidential Election.

In an interview, he said the delay is aimed at offering the needed protection for the Vice-Presidential candidate whom he said is female.

“We will unveil when we are ready. So when I unveil, you will see everything clearly but for now, everybody will be kept in suspense…I don’t know what someone will do to my vice when I unveil her. Let me protect her,” he told Graphic during a visit.

According to him, a female will perfectly complement his leadership and reflect nature.
“It is a she, of course, it is a she. I will not come with a he alone. Yes, you think {about} how we were made. I have to come with the same structure, the tree I came from. We belong to a tree that it takes a man and woman to put us here.”

The Presidential candidate affectionately called Cheddar has already unveiled his policy for steering the country toward economic recovery and development under the banner: “12 Pillars for Economic Freedom”.

On September 1, he announced his intention to operate an Apostolic governance, that is, 12 Ministers over 12 Ministries when voted President in the upcoming general elections.


2024 presidential electionNana Kwame BediakoNew Force Movementrunning mateVice-Presidential Candidate