I want to change this nonsense in Christianity – Pastor  Bernard Owusu-Ansah

He described the “nonsense” as “the wrong perception out there that Christianity perverts poverty, and for that matter Christians must live abject poor lives. That Christians should not wear certain dresses, live in certain houses and drive certain cars, especially pastors, and that their abodes should be ghettoes!”
I want to change this nonsense in Christianity – Pastor  Bernard Owusu-Ansah

Head Pastor of Charismatic Anointing Ministries International (CAMI), Pastor Bernard Owusu-Ansah, has prayed that God should use him to change what he called, “the nonsense in Christianity “.

He described the “nonsense” as “the wrong perception out there that Christianity perverts poverty, and for that matter Christians must live abject poor lives. That Christians should not wear certain dresses, live in certain houses and drive certain cars, especially pastors, and that their abodes should be ghettoes!”

This, he pointed out as a wrong perception, hence his prayer to God to use him to champion this crusade to stop “this nonsense in Christianity”.

Pastor Bernard Owusu-Ansah made this prayer request during a sermon in the churche’s auditorium at Race Course Park in Accra last Sunday May 15, 2022.

“God, use me to change the nonsense in Christianity,” he exploded at the commencement of his lively sermon.


Pastor Bernard Owusu Ansah whose appellation is “yee yee” indicated that Christianity is not a poor society and for that matter it is Christians who should live better lives for others to emulate as stated in the book of Matthew 5 “let your light shine for those around you to see”. Against this background, he wondered how a true Christian should live in penury whiles even unbeliever’s live better lives he pointed out that the time has come for this wrong perception to be changed. 


The man of God noted that many christians wonder why they should serve God and still suffer. The answer to this, he pointed out, was simple – change your attitude! He exclaimed. He stated that some Christians live pretentious live so much that when someone (perceived unbelievers) greet them they even speak in tongues before responding. This he said was wrong and unacceptable.

He noted that some so called unblemished Christians live the same or even worse lives than their perceived unbelievers. Such lives he mentioned as gossiping, lying, backbiting, fornication, adulatory and many more. These, is said, must be avoided by a true christian in other to receive God’s blessings both spiritually and materially.


Citing himself as an example, yee yee, stated that he had personally served God perfectly for over 30 years, and if the God he serves, having recognized this blesses him both spiritually and materially, why should that be headache of some people, to warrant unnecessary gossip  about him? He was quick to point out that in Ghana some people have made it their duty as professional gossips, maligning every successful person in the country. This he said was bad, hence our backward march.


Pastor Bernard Owusu – Ansah has also noted that prophesy is not automatic, and that whoever a prophesy proclaimed to must not cross his legs and finger, but should work had and pray towards it. He indicated that, failure to do this will not make the prophesy see the light of the day; and in such cases one who be compelled to call Pastors who make such prophesies liars “do not cross your legs when your prophesy comes, work towards it. Prophesy helps you to know your future so when it is given you work on it”. Do away with procrastination, carelessness, stubbornness, being impervious to advice, taking bad for good, seeing nothing wrong with whatever one does, thus seeing everything as normal.


Pastor Bernard Owusu – Ansah urged his congregants to heed advice, especially by working hard towards given prophesies. This is because “the killer you don’t kill, will eventually kill you and the destroyer you don’t destroy will destroy you”. According to him, once one gives himself to God, he becomes the enemy of the devil. He pointed out that it is at the altar of freedom where the devil is always defeated. Therefore one should get closer to God, by mediating on His word and taking His work personal.


Many were those who gave testimony to what God have done for them through the Pastor. These included, three year old fibroid turning into babies, delivering of women without fetus, the healing of woman with protracted periods without menstruation, and many more.

By S.O Ankamah










ChangeChristianitynonsensePastor  Bernard Owusu-Ansah