If You Can’t Represent Dome-Kwabenya in Parliament, Resign and Contest for NPP Constituency Position – Enough of the Divisive Rule

An Open Letter to Sarah Adwoa Safor of Dome-Kwabenya Constituency
If You Can’t Represent Dome-Kwabenya in Parliament, Resign and Contest for NPP Constituency Position – Enough of the Divisive Rule

Dear Sarah Adwoa Safo Hon,

My attention has been drawn to a letter purported from you Hon Sarah Adwoa Safo thanking some 75000 people who voted for you and promising them that you will give them good representation in Ghanas Parliament.

For the records, Your duties as a Member of Parliament, cannot be to only the 75000 constituents who elected or voted for you as you’ve stated in this letter. Dome-Kwabenya Constituency had a voter population of 173619 per the 2020 Register. Out of this number, 129467 electorates voted in the last election and you got a lion share of the vote to retain your seat.

The 2021 population and housing census pegged the total population of Dome-Kwabenya at 283, 379 people. Adwoa, your duties are to the 283, 379 population of Dome-Kwabenya and not only the 75000 people who voted for you. When you’re elected MP, you assume the role of a mother for constituents whether they voted for you or not.

Your mention of the 75000 people as been the only people you are interested in representing in Parliament exposed your unnecessary Partizan and unpatriotic character which we the good people of Dome-Kwabenya suffered from since you became Member of Parliament.

If you cannot represent the entire Constituents in Dome-Kwabenya but just the NPP or people who voted for you, then it is better for you to resign and contest for a Constituency position in your unpopular New Patriotic Party and serve them as you wish.

From your letter, I honestly think the State wasted money taking you through Orientation as a Member of Parliament.

Dome-Kwabenya Constituency have suffered for far too long, Since you cannot REPRESENT the entire Constituency, Kindly resign and let the good people of Dome-Kwabenya Constituency choose or vote for the best person who can wholeheartedly represent us. I am very clear in my mind that the National Democratic Congress a socialist group who believed in every talent and every citizen will give our dear Dome-Kwabenya Constituency a fantastic representation in Parliament.

History will be fair to you and your NPP as the worse Political Party in the history of Dome Kwabenya Constituency. We in the NDC are ready to correct this bad history and give the good people of Dome -Kwabenya an ALL INCLUSIVE representation.

Da yie bad representation.


Albert Aheto

A Constituent.

ContestDivisive RuleDome-KwabenyaNPP ConstituencyParliamentpositionResign