IGP Petitioned over Chieftaincy Issues at Aflao

The petition further stated, "The Afla royal gate lodged a formal complaint with the judicial committee of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs on the issue which case is pending before the house."

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare has been petitioned to cause an investigation into some recent chieftaincy infrations within the Aflao Traditional Are.

The Petition signed by Torgbi Afla Awunor Detu IX, who has for years been contesting Torgbi Amenya Fiti V over the paramountcy of the Aflao Traditional Area and copied to some relevant institutions, accused Torgbi Fiti V of illegally occupying the Paramount Stool and arbitrarily ruling for the past 27 years, a situation it said had undermined the stability and security of the area, leading to divisions and rancour among the rank and file of the chiefs and people of the area.

According to the petition, “there is an existing chieftaincy dispute on the “Paramount Title” between the Afla royal family and the Fiti royal family. This contention led to some scuffles and riots within the traditional area from 2013 to date, further leading to breach of peaceful coexistence in the area.

Subsequently, the Fiti family lodged a formal complaint with the Aflao Police, which took the matter to the Ho High Court seeking the
jurisdiction of the court to determine who was the legitimate occupant of the Aflao Paramount stool.”

It added, “The court having heard from both sides ruled that none of the parties was entitled to that title since it was in contention. Both parties were cautioned to
refrain from holding onto that title until an appropriate authority rules on the case to determine who was the legitimate heir to the Aflao

The petition further stated, “The Afla royal gate lodged a formal complaint with the judicial committee of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs on the issue which case is pending before the house.”

The petition however alleged that Torgbi Amenya Fiti V has been flouting the previous high court order by engaging in unlawful activities, including sending hoodlums to arrest sub-chiefs from the Afla royal gate with impunity.

A disturbing development the petition noted, occured on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, when the Palace of Torgbi Afla Awunor Detu IX, was informed that, the palace of one of its sub-chiefs, Torgbi Adame Ndorkutsu IV, dufia of Aflao -Apekotuime was under siege by some ‘hoodlums.’ It turned out that the attackers were sent by Torgbi Amenya Fiti V to have him arrested and brought to his palace at Aflao.

This incident according to the petition, resulted in a scuffle between the two sides with some persons sustaining injuries in the process. It added that Torgbi Ndorkutsu IV, his stool father and one of his security men were arrested and detained by the Denu District Police who refused to grant them bail. They were then arraigned before the Agbozume Magistrate court on Thursday, September 5, and were remanded into police custody to reappear on Thursday September 12.

The petition further alleged that the same group of people attacked Torgbi Ndorkutsu’s palace, assaulted people and vandalized properties early this year, which was reported to the Denu District Police Command which case is still pending without any arrest or investigation to date.

“It is important to note that, this current incident is not isolated but had a precedence, in that the late Torgbi Ndorkutsu III, who was the father and predecessor of the current Torgbi Adame Ndorkutsu IV, was similarly arrested by Torgbi Fiti’s boys, bundled into a taxi, and transported to his (Torgbi Fiti’s) palace in 2014.

Reports had it that the late Torgbi Ndorkutsu III, was manhandled and assaulted by the boys which subsequently led to his untimely demise,” the petition alleged.

The petition accused the Denu Police of bias and feet dragging in investigating the complainants and bringing the matter to rest for the sake of peace and called for a change in the status quo.

“Much as we appreciate the work of the police in maintaining law and order in our society, we are baffled as to whether the police are supposed to be biased in the discharge of their lawful duties to the citizenry? We are asking this because, whiles the palace of Torgbi Adame Ndorkutsu IV was been attacked by Torgbi Fiti’s men and some of his sub-chiefs, they were accompanied by the Denu Police including the District Commander, DSP Nakodza who looked on while the attackers had their field day.

The Police even urged Torgbi Ndorkutsu IV and his elders to comply with Torgbi Fiti’s order to bring him to his palace much to everyone’s surprise,” the petition indicated.

The petitioners assured the police of their cooperation in the interest of peace saying, “we are a law-abiding people who would not engage in anything untoward to jeopardize the peace and security of the Aflao traditional area.”

“As such, we wish to crave your indulgence to cause an
investigation into these repeated disturbing developments in our traditional area and to find a lasting solution to these happenings to forestall an escalation of the impasse as our youth are also boiling with rage and are threatening to unleash their wrath on the Fiti gate should they resort to any such similar move.

We further wish to plead with you to advise your men to carry out their lawful duties without bias so as not to jeopardize the peace we are currently enjoying.

We also wish to send a strong warning to Torgbi Fiti V and his men, that should they continue on this
tangent, the youth of Aflao would respond in equal measure and will do so to the last drop of our blood,” the petition concluded.

By Leo Nelson

Aflaochieftaincy issuesDr George Akuffo DampareIGPpetitionTorgbi Afla Awunor Detu IXtorgbi fiti Vwarning