Implementation of ECOWAS cross-border cooperation programme: Member States’ focal points hold discussions on free movement and regional funding mechanism

Implementation of ECOWAS cross-border cooperation programme: Member States’ focal points hold discussions on free movement and regional funding mechanism

Representatives from the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, Member States and implementation agencies as well as technical and financial partners held a video-conference on Monday 31 May 2021 to discuss the modalities of implementing ECOWAS cross-border cooperation programme (ECBCSP) 2021/2025 and its regional funding mechanism.

Discussions in the meeting focused on the implementation of the ECOWAS cross-border cooperation programme, free movement and migration (CBC-FMM) and adoption of an action plan for the deployment of 2021/2025 ECBCSP.

Àt the end of their deliberations, delegates were presented with the modalites for the implementation and operational procedures of the programmes and its regional funding mechanisms, ECOWAS cross-border cooperation and free movement,.  They also adopted the principle of creating the Migration Fund (CBC-FMM) and the preparation of an action plan for the programme’s deployment.

Also, participants were informed about the composition and role of governance structure and operational procedures at all levels as well as the procedures and mechanisms for having access to ECOWAS regional financial support for priority projects.

Recall that the ECOWAS cross-border cooperation support programme (ECBCSP) 2021/2025 and its funding mechanism were approved by the ECOWAS Council of Ministers in January 2021.  The programme’s main objective is to strengthen cooperation among the people, Member States and markets as well as fast-tracking and improving regional integration.  The 2021/2025 ECBCSP promotes regional peace and security, migration and free movement as well as supports joint initiatives on socio-economic development and grassroot communities in their development projects.

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The 2021/2025 ECBCSP Programme promotes cooperation programme implemented in the first four (4) pilot operational zones of the ECOWAS region, which involves eleven (11) Member States.

The 2021/2025 ECBCSP covers seven (7) new zones, that is a total of eleven (11) operational zones, namely Sikasso-Korhogo-Bobo Dioulasso (SKBo) zone and South Senegambia (SSG), Kano-Katsina-Maradi and Kano Jigawa-Zinder (K2M-KJZ) zone as well as the Mano River Union (MRU) cross-border zone, Lagos – Abidjan – Ghana-Togo-Bénin-Nigeria (GHATOBENN) corridor, Burkina-Ghana-Côte d’Ivoire (BGCI) corridor, Liptako-Gourma (Burkina Faso-Mali-Niger) corridor, Benin-Niger-Nigeria (BNN) corridor, Benin-Burkina-Togo (BBT) corridor, Senegal-Gambia-Mali-Guinea (SGMG) corridor, Senegal- Guinea Bissau- Cape Verde (SGC) corridor, thus covering a total of fifteen ECOWAS Member States.

discussionsECOWASfocal pointsfree movementfundingImplementationmechanismStates