Isaac Adongo must be Perpetually Drunk like his Paymaster John Mahama or?

Isaac Adongo must be Perpetually Drunk like his Paymaster John Mahama or?

I read quite a nasty submission from the uncanny Isaac Adongo making reference to “Akyem Sakawa Boys and Grandpas”! Well, we cannot say that the people of Bolgatanga are an image of this hungry buffoon, who seems to be perpetually doused in Pito, as his effusions would readily make you believe.

The good thing about the NPP is that we are a party of many tribes, races, and creeds from all walks of life. We do not look down on any person based on their culture or traditional background. Unlike the NDC that was birthed out of corruption, disloyalty, betrayal, and sheer thirst for blood and money, we in the NPP are far above tribalism and ethnicity.

Regarding the hateful message of this unknowledgeable idiot, let me state that hundreds of school blocks were built with the purpose of expanding quality Free Education (Free SHS). They also serve to cancel the temporary double track system, and raise sensible people so we do not have dunderheads running to the only party that accepts fools into its hierarchy.

We tell this stomach lazy politician of the NDC that due to the fiscal arrangements made by the government of President Akufo-Addo, we now have vehicle assembly plants, and soon, even commercial drivers would be in a position to trade in their rattling trotros for brand new vehicles under flexible “work and pay” terms. I am telling this educated illiterate that due to the same fiscal arrangements, interchanges that would have cost the nation over one billion US Dollars under the NDC now have a collective value of about $281 million US Dollars under President Akufo-Addo in comparison to the Circle/Dubai irrelevant interchange of John Mahama that cost $260 million US Dollars or Terminal 3 of the airport that cost a whopping $220 million US Dollars of which $120 million was paid to John Mahama as kickback, according to the contractor! We are telling this insensible braggart that the improved roads that are dazzling the nation and, indeed, visitors to Ghana, has made accessibility to rural areas much better unlike the Eastern and Western corridors touted in the NDC green book of achievements when they actually did not exist. I want to tell this “nyamanyama” man that his “nyamanyama” Boss, John Mahama, apparently stole one billion US Dollars, which he touted to have set aside for the resurfacing of the Accra roads that never came on. I want to tell this Bolga trash that the guinea fowls that flew to Burkina Faso with Ghana’s money went into the pockets of NDC bigots.

I also want to remind Isaac Adongo that he cannot hide John Mahama’s corruption and failed antics under his tribal mark. Has he soon forgotten that John Mahama allowed on board many PPAs paying them exorbitant moneys for electricity that was not needed if he had fixed the broken down generators? Even then, with all this money he could not fix his curse, DUMSOR! Has he soon forgotten the stinking Ameri deal that this government found it impossible to abrogate? What a croc!!!

In the matter of “Agyapa Royalties”, in spite of Isaac Adongo’s illiteracy and bravado in chicanery and “nkwasias3m”, he is hiding the fact that NDC’s John Mahama tried setting up a Mineral Royalty Company in 2011, but failed woefully due to their inability, lack of sense, knowledge, and incredibility to go ahead with it. The NDC compares 3 years of Akufo-Addo presidency, which is filled with success stories, innovations, social interventions, and pragmatic use of Ghana’s wealth to their 8 years of abysmal failures and corruption under the vice-presidency and presidency of John Mahama, the agent of destruction!

But let Isaac Adongo remain high on his special “Taba” because the NDC will never understand how to raise an economy. All they know is how to drop “dross”, and engage in disgraceful sexualism that is their hallmark especially this lowlife attention seeker from the story of a disgraced Bolga fucktard!!!

Suffice it to say that only fools like Isaac Adongo and NDC will build barriers to stall nation building while the wise NPP builds bridges! NPP does not subscribe to racial, ethnic, and traditional bigotry! Let those who continue to hammer on “Akyem this and Akyem that” be told that if their origins were put under the microscope, their stories would be very difficult to tell!

#NeverNDCAgain #Still4More4Nana

By Fadi Dabbousi

Isaac AdongoJohn Mahama