Isn’t It Time Yet To Re-Demarcate the Wa Central Constituency?

The 2021 Population and Housing Census Figure for the Wa Municipality is a staggering 200,672 people. These statistics must not be treated lightly in the wake of the incessant calls and demands for improved conditions of living through the provision of social amenities and physical infrastructure.
Isn’t It Time Yet To Re-Demarcate the Wa Central Constituency?

It is a truism that politics play a very critical role in the development of our societies. It is for this reason that political constituencies are demarcated with Members of Parliament to anchor and amplify the voices, concerns and aspirations of constituents.

Constituencies are created taking into cognizance several factors including but not limited to population density, ethnocentric dynamics, geographical outlook and existing socio-economic conditions prevalent within specific locations.

Since the inception of the 4th Republican Constitution in 1992, the Wa Central Constituency has been a mainstay of the political discourse until it underwent a re-demarcation in 2004 giving birth to the Wa West Constituency. Twenty years down the lane this constituency has grown in leaps and bounds in the areas of population as well as in commerce, industry, trade and education.

By the 2020 figures from the Electoral Commission of Ghana, the Wa Central Constituency has a voter population in excess of 80,000. The 2021 Population and Housing Census Figure for the Wa Municipality is a staggering 200,672 people. These statistics must not be treated lightly in the wake of the incessant calls and demands for improved conditions of living through the provision of social amenities and physical infrastructure.

There has also been the emergence of educational and training institutions such as the SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, the Dr Hilla Liman Technical University, the Kperisi Health Assistants Training School and several new second cycle schools all adding up to the changing dynamics of the Constituency and Municipality making the demands for a re-demarcation of the existing Constituency even more glaring and apparent.

These numbers put a great deal of pressure on the Municipal Assembly as well as the Constituency as the local agents of development besides the interventions of the Central Government. This calls for the need to take a second look at the demands for the re-demarcation of the Wa Central Constituency to bring some form of relief to the people as the numbers have outstripped the capacity of a single constituency. If for nothing at all, there will be an additional Member of Parliament to serve the needs of the people through the statutory funds allocated to the office of the Member of Parliament.

Just food for thought.

Abubakari Saeed




DemarcationtimeWa Central Constituency