Jaman South Assembly sued for demolishing a house

A private developer based in Canada has sued the Jaman South Municipal Assembly in the Bono region for demolishing his house worth GHC100, 000.

The plaintiff, Eric Yeboah, disclosed to DailyMailGH.com that he returned to Ghana from Canada to find that the municipal chief executive, Alhaji Abu, and the assembly had demolished his house without justification.

The house before the demolition

Mr. Yeboah made available documents confirming that he is the rightful owner of the land on which his house was sited. The municipal chief executive, however, contested that Mr. Yeboah’s house was demolished with the full approval of the assembly because the land belongs to the assembly.

Documents that shows his ownership of the disputed land

Efforts by Mr. Yeboah to make Alhaji Abu and the municipal assembly produce documents to prove that the disputed land actually belongs to the assembly have proven futile hence the suit.

“I’m really confident of winning the case because I’ve documents to prove that the land really belongs to me”, Mr. Yeboah said.

Documents that shows his ownership of the disputed land

Calls to reach Alhaji Abu to hear the assembly’s side of the contention did not yield results.

Source: Richmond Acheampong, – Daily Mail GH

Alhaji AbuEric YeboahJaman South