Jinapor Banned From Gonja Palaces

This was announced on Sunday, July 21, 2024, by the Palace of the Yagbonwura through his spokesperson, Sulemana Adam.

The Member of Parliament for Damongo Constituency, Samuel Abu Jinapor has been banned from stepping foot in either the Palace of the overlord of the Gonjaland, Yagbonwura Bi-kunuto Jewu Soale or all other Palaces on the land.

This was announced on Sunday, July 21, 2024, by the Palace of the Yagbonwura through his spokesperson, Sulemana Adam.

In an exclusive interview, Mr Adam told Opemsuo Radio that the action was necessitated by gross insubordination to the dictates and authority of the overlord by the MP.

According to him, Hon Jinapor has failed to recognize the leadership of the current chief of Damongo.

“Traditionally, the chief is father of all natives of the land and so it required that any leader who comes to the town visits him to pay homage and seek permission. However, the MP has failed to do this. The town used to have some chieftaincy disputes but the Yagbonwura stepped in and chose one who is now recognized as the chief of the area. Jinapor’s affiliation is with the other faction and that is the reason he doesn’t pay homage to the chief in Damongo. This only means that he is going against the decision of the Yagbonwura,” he explained in a telephone interview.

He also cited an instance where he allegedly got physically abused by some persons while running an errand for the overlord. Despite reporting the incident to the police, he said the police failed to make any arrest, claiming Hon Jinapor had issued a directive against their arrest.

On another instance, Mr Adam claimed an infrastructural project developed by the Chief of Damongo was destroyed by the disadvantaged faction in the chieftaincy dispute. These suspects were arrested but allegedly got released on the instruction of the lawmaker.

This was followed by jubilation in the streets of Damongo by the suspects, who allegedly hurled insults at the chief and boasted of the power they wielded against him.

According to Mr Adam, the Yagbonwura is of the view that Hon Jinapor is encouraging disrespect and rebellion toward his leadership.

But in response to this, Jinapor re-issued a statement he issued last week to debunk the allegations.

“For the record, these allegations are totally false. As I have stated time and again, I do not have any interest in the Damongo chieftaincy affairs whatsoever.”

Additionally, he underscored his highest respect for the chieftaincy institution in his region.

“As a bona fide Gonja Prince, I continue to have high regard for the revered chieftaincy institution, the overlord of the Gonjaland, Yagbonwura Bi-kunuto Jewu Soale and all other chiefs for that matter.

“My role and overarching interest both as Member of Parliament and Minister of the Republic of Ghana is to contribute my modest quota to the development of Ghana and my beloved constituency of Damongo.”


GonjalandpalaceSamuel Abu JinaporYagbonwura Bi-kunuto Jewu Soale