John Mahama seems to be Ruling Ghana from Opposition

John Mahama seems to be Ruling Ghana from Opposition

All I ask for is long life and more wisdom for our John Dramani MAHAMA. He directs and Nana Addo announces.

Today we have two Presidents in Ghana, one thinks and bring ideas and the other announces.

From the beginning John Mahama with his experience on handling crises like what is confronting us today made several suggestions to government which has become governments policy document to fight the Virus. I must say that’s a great job from an incoming President to an outgoing President.

1.John Mahama earlier suggested the boarder closure but he was insulted by the hungry elephant babies but later was announced by our outgoing president.

2.He also called for reduction of fuel prices and water bills which Nana Addo later announced.

3.He stopped government from using our heritage fund and suggested the stabilization fund which Nana Addo quickly announced.

4.He called for the reduction of Electricity some few days ago and Nana Addo has to rush and make announcement yesterday.

Now people are asking JM to add Rent, gas and data which we know if JM makes attempts Nana his information Minister will make the announcement without delay.

Am not surprised people of Ghana are thankful to JM instead of our outgoing President, I plead with JM to continue thinking for our current government for them to announce if not things will get out of hand in this our difficult moment.

All I can say now is to ask for God’s blessings for our JM and also thank our information Minister Nana Addo to continue announcing JMs solid policies to help our collective purpose of defeating the virus.

Efo Worlanyo Tsekpo

AnnouncesDirectJohn Dramani MahamaNana AddoPresidents in Ghanawisdom