Juaboso: Pastor leads his congregation to Cry over their Problems

Pap Gee gave five main reasons why one should cry to God as a strong form of prayer.
Juaboso: Pastor leads his congregation to Cry over their Problems

Apostle Gershion Gbedemah head Pastor of Havilah City of Prayer Ministry International (HCPIM), on Friday, June 21, 2024, led his congregants to cry to God.

According to him, crying is a form of prayer that provokes God as happened in the case of Biblical Hannah and also Jesus Christ when he cried over Lazarus death in John 11:40-43.

Describing it as the crying factor, Apostle Gerhion, tagged Pap Gee by his congregants as a result of his miracle wrecking tendencies declared, “Your crying provokes God who gave you your emotion of crying”. He added that crying also attracts God’s attention.

Apostle Gerhion made these startling revelations to his enthusiastic congregants at the headquarters of the church situated at Ankain, Juaboso in the Western North region. Citing his claim with Biblical quotations, Pap Gee gave five main reasons why one should cry to God as a strong form of prayer.

Firstly, he cited Psalm 34:15 which states that God’s ears are open to our cries. Secondly, he cited Psalm 61:1 which states that God attends to our prayers when we cry. Thirdly, he cited Psalm 96:3 which states that when we cry, we receive mercy from God. His fourth reason, he cited Psalm 107:9 which state that when we cry, God saves us from troubles and distress. Then for his fifth point, Pap Gee cited Psalm 58:9, which state that God fights our enemies with our cry. These attracted applause and cheers from the bemused and enthused congregants.


Pap Gee went on further to reveal that there are five people in the Bible whose cries reach God fastest. Such people, he stated that, they should not be tempered with and offended, because their cries to God will attract God’s wrath on their offenders. These he mentioned as widows and orphans (Exodus 22:23) Those in slavery (Exodus 2:3) The Righteous (Psalm 34:15) Those that fear God ( Psalm 16:5,9) The poor ( Job 34:28), Psalm 56:8).


With the programme dubbed “I will cry,” and congregants clad in black, Pap Gee led his congregants to cry profusely for well over 30 minutes with some falling into spiritual frenzy, while crying along.

Then after that period, he led them into praise ministration for a longer period stating that their prayers had been heard as angelic appearance during the prayers indicated. The miracle-wrecking pastor charged his congregants to write down that day’s date (21/06/24) as they will come with testimonies the next time they come there. Meanwhile, there were numerous testimonies from a previous miracle service. He stressed that whoever missed one church service at Havilah, missed a miracle Pap Gee was quick to point out that people who don’t understand spiritual things should simply keep their quiet and refrain from undue criticisms. He also added “if God does not help us, our counterparts will laugh at us”, stressing that the Holy Ghost can cause us to cry “Numbers 20:16, Romans 8:26”.


Barely, 4 8hours after Pap Gee had led his congregants in a crying prayer session, a living testimony appeared. A woman , who had gone frenzy spiritually and was heard and seen rolling on the floor wailing loudly about  her son came with the son to  testify how the son had been healed miraculously after that crying prayer session. This attracted applause from congregants.

The woman in her frenzy moment was appealing to the Pastor to help save her son who was in a critical condition. According to her, the son was her beloved son, and for minutes unend, she rolled and wailed to the surprise of all.


Pap Gee told his congregants that he will not follow pressure to go for juju in his ministry. He maintained that, this is why all his directions and miracles are Biblical. He intimated that if in the face of the numerous prophecies, miracles and testimonies, people don’t want to wait for God, but want a quick way out, they are free to do so. He told that them those things he does are not from him but from God. Be patient with God don’t rush. Why not wait upon the lord? He asked. The humble and affable Pastor remained his congregants how he had been modest and open in his dealings with them. He wondered how many Pastors can do this. Therefore, “if anyone wants to leave him for another place, one was free to do so”. But the end will justify the means, and the results could be disastrous “he charged.



Apostle Gershion GbedemahcongregationcryHavilah City of Prayer Ministry InternationalJuaboso: Pastorproblems