KB Williams celebrates OB Amponsah – a Comedian Who Dared to Dream

I bought some tickets and due to more demands in my inbox, I bought some more. Few hours to the programme, when I requested for more, OB exclaimed, "You people would fill up the place ooo".
KB Williams celebrates OB Amponsah – a Comedian Who Dared to Dream

This is not about motivational speaking; it is about motivational ‘doing’ by an inspirational Doer.

When OB Amponsah posted the picture of the empty National Theatre space and said he was on an ambitious drive to fill it to capacity, I knew it was daring, arduous and Herculean, but it was also possible.

Blaqq Qouphy My good brother, whose hot Tuo Zaafi I couldn’t sit to devour at the Tamale Airport last Sunday because I had to head out for a 5-hour drive to Wa, posted about supporting OB to sell 100 tickets. He led by example, bought some tickets and rallied his friends to do same.

I gleefully watched people support by stating the number of tickets they would buy.

As people thronged Blaqq’s FB wall, falling over each other to pledge support or place order for their tickets, it dawned on me that our destinies are intertwined and we all have roles to play in helping each other reach goals and ambitions we set for ourselves. The gesture displayed was so beautiful, I wished we could extend same to other people more often.

I bought some tickets and due to more demands in my inbox, I bought some more. Few hours to the programme, when I requested for more, OB exclaimed, “You people would fill up the place ooo”.

But the most important part is that a man dared to dream. He looked his ambition in the face and threw a challenge at it. Filling the National Theatre to capacity for a comedy show not sponsored by a heavy-weight multinational company with impressive publicity budget, is almost a miracle. At the event, I looked out for the usual branding materials of some of the known corporate giants and found none.

The Show was spectacular, it surpassed the expectations you would have, for a typical Ghanaian comedy gig. The production was artistic, the entry of OB onto the stage was epic and refreshingly different. The music was good and the jokes were even better. Overall, it was a great performance and everyone seemed to say same.

What OB and his team achieved over the weekend, is not a walk in the park. Only a few individuals like KSM have been able to achieve same and they should be celebrated for the courage and grit they displayed in daring to dream and for the inspiration we glean from them.

I celebrate OB and every young person who is throwing a challenge at their dream. May your paths be illuminated with visions that will change destinies and impact humanity.

Our combined strength is powerful, let’s use it to scale the walls of doubt and unbelief and rise toe-to-toe, starring our fears in the face and reaching for those great and lofty ambitions we crave in the deepest parts of our hearts. It is possible!


Yes, you talk, but you are also a Doer and we are proud of you!





celebrationcomedianDared to DreamKB WilliamsOB Amponsah