Keep Children in Street Connected Situations Safe and Protected

One key empathizes that runs through the messages of speakers was the fact that, these children deserve better education, healthcare and access to basic amenities.

The Global Alliance for Street Work climaxed the commemoration of the International Day for Street Children (IDSC) 2023 by meeting with children and youth in street situations at Kantamato on Sunday April 16, 2023, under the theme: Time with Children on the Street which attracted over 200 children and young people. The event is aimed at educating the public and raising awareness about the challenges and issues faced by street-connected children in Ghana and globally. This year, the day is dedicated to keeping street-connected children safe.

Executive Director of Street Children Empowerment Foundation (SCEF) who is also the Accra Platform Coordinator for the Global Alliance for Street Work, Paul Semeh, opened the event with an inspiring message addressing the pressing issues faced by street children in Ghana. He called for urgent actions by the government and other stakeholders to keep them safe and protected, as well as to provide them with the opportunity that would help them achieve their fullest potentials.

The Regional Coordinator for Global Alliance for Street Work, Tijani Mahmoud, introduced some representatives from participating NGOs present to include, SCEF, Street Girls Aid (S.Aid), Chance for Children (CFC), Friends In Need, Urban Poor Child Organization (UPCO), Service Awareness Organization (SASO), Kinder Paradise (KP) and Street Social Workers Network (SSWN).

One key empathizes that runs through the messages of speakers was the fact that, these children deserve better education, healthcare and access to basic amenities. The children were also encouraged to aspire for higher heights in their education or to learn employable skills so they can be self-reliant and financially stable to escape and break the poverty chain. Some member organizations, also extended a helping hand to them and gave out helplines and locations for them to make contact for further assistance.

In an interview with 20-year-old Abena, a mother of 2 and a head potter, she explained her daily ordeal to us.

According to her, she has to wake up at 4am daily to prepare for the day. Lamenting that, there are no organized structures or day-care centers to host her children as well as other mothers in same situation, hence they end up leaving their children in the care of other children and to their fate. She however, appealed to the Government and other NGOs to come to their aid, to create an enabling and safe environment for them and their children.

There was a placard display with key advocacy messages which amplify the voices of children in street situations to catch the attention of government and policy makers.

The International Day for Street Children is ccelebrated annually on April 12, every year. The day provides opportunities for various civil society groups and human rights organizations to spread awareness of the plights of children in street-connected situations throughout the world and provide for them a powerful voice so their rights are not ignored.

By Ophelia Allotey



childrenIDSCInternational Day for Street ChildrenPaul SemehprotectedsafeSCEFStreet Connected Situations