LANDGRAB – Resignations, Sacking and Interdictions: Akufo-Addo must break silence

There must be interdiction while independent investigations are conducted into the involvement of officials in the numerous Scandals of Landgrab, Forest theft-cum-sale and Ada Songhor Salt Mining Heist and Galamsey Scandals currently in the public domain...
LANDGRAB – Resignations, Sacking and Interdictions: Akufo-Addo must break silence

How different is Sir John’s will from the will of Senior Ministers J.H. Mensah and Yaw Osafo Maafo or Chief Justices Sophia Akuffo and Georgina Woode who were beneficiaries of fraudulently allocated State Lands?

When will Hon. Samuel Abu Jinapor resign?

Hon. Dzifa Attivor resigned as Transport Minister after the Bus Branding Scandal and calls by OccupyGhana, other Civil Society and the media for an investigation and prosecution of those involved…

Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio & Hon. George Mireku Duker must be sacked for the mess at the Lands, Forestry and Mineral sector which they supervise and alleged complicity in the Landgrab and Galamsey Scandals engulfing the Ministry.

There must be interdiction while independent investigations are conducted into the involvement of officials in the numerous Scandals of Landgrab, Forest theft-cum-sale and Ada Songhor Salt Mining Heist and Galamsey Scandals currently in the public domain…

Samuel Abu Jinapor himself set the standard for interdiction after the Apeati Explosion…

The principle of interdiction is to ensure no interference or cover-up by officials, to enable investigators do a thorough investigation…

The resignation of Persons at the helm of an organisation and taking ultimate responsibility for a calamitous blunder as is unfolding at the Lands, Forestry and Mineral Resources Ministry is not an admission of culpability, but rather to facilitate transparency in any investigation without a possibility of a cover-up;

Samuel Abu Jinapor must take this step or be sacked together with his Deputies.

Sacking of those in charge of the portfolios [Benito Owusu-Bio & George Mireku Duker] that have recorded the Scandals is an imperative, to serve as a deterrent to others.

The knee-Jerk letters written by Samuel Abu Jinapor this week to the Lands Commission and the Forestry Commission after the Achimota Forest Landgrab scandal and the request to the “Owoo family” to furnish the Minister with information confirms the shoddy work on top of the obvious lack of due diligence on the part of the Lands Minister, in taking such a far reaching decision such as declassifying of a Forest Reserve which impact can affect Ghana and Global Climate is most regrettable.

President Akufo-Addo who is a Co-Chair of the UN Sustainabe Development Goals which has this issue of Climate Change as a key component, signed the fatally flawed Executive Instrument to virtually authorize the destruction of Accra’s only greenbelt and carbon sinkbeats all logic.


President Akufo Addo has not commented on the Sir John Landgrab, his willing of stolen Forest Lands and wetlands to his family members FOREVER.

President Akufo-Addo has not commented on the alleged involvement of George Mireku Duker Galamsey in the ongoing Gang War that has resulted in fatality either…

Is President Akufo-Addo committed to the Fight Against Galamsey?

President Akufo-Addo is not committed to keeping the Public Purse and protecting Ghana’s Lands, Forests, Salt and other Mineral Resources.

Why did President Akufo-Addo sign an Executive Instrument in November, 2020 “GRANTING THE ENTIRE ADA SONGHOR SALT AND LAGOON TO McDan FOREVER”???

Civil Society, the Media, CHRAJ and the Special Prosecutor should stop pretending to be serious about the SIR JOHN WILL or the release Achimota Forest Lands;

If they are serious, they must be calling for resignations, dismissals and interdictions ahead of a Full-scale Public Enquiry with a Forensic audit component that wholistically looks into all State Acquired Lands, allocations, Leases, Subleases and associated fraud over the years.

Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.

How different is Sir John’s will from the will of Senior Ministers J.H. Mensah and Yaw Osafo Maafo  or Chief Justices Sophia Akuffo and Georgina Woode who were beneficiaries of fraudulently allocated State Lands?

Why is there no appetite for Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi, OccupyGhana, IMANI, the Special Prosecutor and other vociferous voices to call for the Justice Sophia Akuffo  and other persons fraudulently allocated State Lands to be investigated?

When will they ask for the disclosure of the identities of the persons illegally developing the Cantonments Civil Aviation Land?

Stephen Ntim was accused by Kennedy Agyepong of stealing and selling various State Lands when he was the head of the Lands Commission;

Sampson Lardi Anyinenyi, OccupyGhana, IMANI and the Special Prosecutor are not interested?

What about the accusations by the GBC Staff Association that the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta was annexing State acquired GRA Lands at the Airport Residential area and attempting to swap it for State acquired GBC Land which they reported to the National Media Commission to no avail?

The list of high profile Landgrab cases is extensive, hence a fixation on the DEAD Sir John’s Loot and excusing the many other high profile LIVING Beneficiaries of such Loot is hypocritical.

Let’s get serious.

The media will soon attempt to shift the focus to other issues so this Landgrab issue dies a natural death after scapegoating the Deadman…

Ghanaians must demand a comprehensive cleanup at the Lands Ministry not a cover-up at the Lands Commission.

Ghanaians must demand President Akufo-Addo to with the same anger with which he called for the demolition of all buildings in waterways; to adress the Nation and commission a comprehensive Full-scale Public Enquiry into all State acquired Lands matters not limited to the Achimota Forest Landgrab.

God Save Our Homeland Ghana from the Cartels, their Goro-Boys and those Civil Society and Media who cover-up such nation wrecking acts.



By Prince-Derek Adjei

Akufo-AddoImaniInterdictionslandgrabOccupyGhanaResignationsSackingSampson Lardi AnyinenyisilenceSpecial prosecutor