Let’s Reform Our Democracy to Reflect Our Culture – PNC Flagbearer Hopeful

The 2016 Campaign Director of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Rev. Samuel Adjei Deborah, has called for a united front to reform the nations democracy to reflect its culture. He said the current democracy being practiced contains too much insults and uncultured languages hence a need for reform.

In an interview with Ghananewsonline.com.gh, Rev. Debrah who is lacing his boots to contest the flagberrership race of the party ahead of the 2020 general elections said the nature of Ghana’s politics has quenched the spirit and beauty of democracy as hate speech has taken over the beauty of the Democratic.

“Politicians have a role to play when it come to educating their followers and ordinary Ghanaians, they need to embrace our culture when dealing with democracy in order not to see politics as a do or die affair” he stated.

“We need a united front in our politics to ensure our democracy reflect the rich culture of Ghana. Politics is now full of insult’s and has affected our democracy and culture. Let’s not destroy our culture with politics” he said.

Rev. Adjei Debrah mentioned Agriculture, Health, Education, culture among other areas as his focal points to build and transform Ghana when given the nod. He called on delegates of the PNC to vote for him as flagbearer to lead the party into the pending general election.

Source: William Dei-Gyau
