LPG supply at risk as tanker drivers threaten strike over road conditions

The LPG Marketers Association has thus implored the government to swiftly attend to the needs of the drivers, ensuring they can resume their work and maintain the vital fuel supply required to power the nation. As Ghana grapples with economic challenges, preventing any disruption to the fuel supply becomes increasingly critical.

In a concerning development for Ghana’s energy sector, the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Marketers Association has issued a warning regarding a potential shortage of LPG if the anticipated strike by the Ghana National Petroleum Tankers Drivers Union proceeds. The association has urgently called upon the government to address the demands of the tanker drivers’ union to avert the looming crisis.

The Petroleum Tanker Drivers and LPG Drivers have declared their intent to embark on an industrial action today, demanding the rehabilitation of roads in key petroleum enclaves such as Tema, Takoradi, Kumasi, and Buipe. Despite their efforts to engage the Ministry of Transport and seek redress, the drivers claim to have been met with unresponsive authorities.

Highlighting the legitimacy of the tanker drivers’ demands, Gabriel Kumi, Vice President of the LPG Marketers Association, stressed the urgent need for government intervention. Kumi echoed concerns over the deplorable condition of the roads in these enclaves, emphasizing the potential dangers they pose. The risks range from accidents involving LPG tankers to catastrophic explosions, jeopardizing both lives and property.

While acknowledging the adverse impact of the strike on the operations of LPG Marketing Companies and Oil Marketing Companies, Kumi stressed that addressing the drivers’ concerns should be paramount. Failure to do so could result in fuel shortages, further exacerbating the already struggling Ghanaian economy.

The LPG Marketers Association has thus implored the government to swiftly attend to the needs of the drivers, ensuring they can resume their work and maintain the vital fuel supply required to power the nation. As Ghana grapples with economic challenges, preventing any disruption to the fuel supply becomes increasingly critical.

The potential strike by the Tanker Drivers Association serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for infrastructure investment in Ghana’s petroleum enclaves. Timely and effective action by the government to address road conditions not only alleviates immediate concerns but also establishes a foundation for safer and more efficient transportation networks in the long run.

Ghana’s energy sector and overall economy now await a decisive response from the government, one that prioritizes the welfare of the drivers, the integrity of the nation’s road networks, and the stability of LPG supply. Failure to address these pressing issues promptly could have far-reaching consequences for both Ghana’s energy landscape and its economic prospects.

Source: norvanreports


LPG MarketersLPG supplyroad conditionsstrikeTanker Drivers