LT. GEN. OBED AKWA: Are Ghanaian troops in South Sudan coming under serious attacks, Mr. President? – Owula Mangortey asks

LT. GEN. OBED AKWA: Are Ghanaian troops in South Sudan coming under serious attacks, Mr. President? – Owula Mangortey asks

I am a Citizen.

I rise to ask my respected Retired and Tired President Billy Akufo-Addo whether your Ghanaian troops in South Sudan are coming under serious attacks.

Your Excellency, will the Government of Ghana and the Military High Command confirm that for the second time in a few days the Ghanaian Battalion Headquarters has come under coordinated attacks from suspected rebels?

Can the Government of Ghana and the Military High Command confirm that the first attacks took place in the night of 22/23 November, 2019?

Were two GHANBATT vehicles burnt down completely in the first attacks?

Can the Government of Ghana and the Military High Command confirm that the cause of the attack is unknown; but in a volatile and fluid operational situation, your soldiers should expect such attacks?

Whilst awaiting confirmation from the Government of Ghana and the Ghana Armed Forces, shall I humbly request our Imams, Pastors and Traditional Priests to pray for peace, security and cease fire among combatants in South Sudan, and for the protection and preservation of the lives and resources of Ghanaian troops in South Sudan?

I await.

I Shall Retunr (sic)

Owula Mangortey
NDC Branch Secretary
Full Gospel Church Branch
Shai-Osudoku Constituency

asksattacksGhanaiansLT. GEN. OBED AKWAMr. PresidentOwula MangorteySeriousSouth Sudantroops