Mahama’s 24hr Economy Policy is a threat to NPP’s breaking the 8 –  Nana Tachie Eric

Mr Tachie said, the 24-hour economy policy will help reverse the alarming trend of Ghana’s youth who are risking their lives in perilous journeys to Europe for better opportunities to better their lives.

A Former National Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Nation Builders Corps (NaBcO) Trainees, Nana Tachie Eric, has said that former President John Dramani Mahama’s 24hour economy policy will better tackle the increasingly unemployment rates in the country than the NABCO, youth in afforestation and planting for food and job initiatives by the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him, Mahama’s 24hour economy is much promising than the whimsical and populist  policies like planting for food and jobs, NABCO, youth in afforestation which were established by the Akufo-Addo Bawumia led administration for the ultimate purpose of persuading unemployed youth for votes.

He said that, such job creations are just schemes by the NPP and they could not tackle the high rate of the nation’s unemployment canker as were touted.

He said the 24hour economy policy is a well thought through policy to tackle the youth unemployment canker which has risen to 30% under President Akufo-Addo and Bawumia.

Mr Tachie said, the 24-hour economy policy will help reverse the alarming trend of Ghana’s youth who are risking their lives in perilous journeys to Europe for better opportunities to better their lives.

Speaking to, Eric Nana Tachie, disclosed that, the policy possess serious threats to the incumbent NPP to breaking the 8, hence their frustrations to render the policy useless whenever One listens to their Communicators on TV, radio and social media platforms.

Meanwhile, Former President John Mahama has expressed his unwavering determination to implement the policy, driven by the increasingly dire situations arising from the lack of employment opportunities for Ghana’s vibrant youth.

Mr Tachie explained that the 24-hour economy extends beyond a mere night economy, adding that it envisions an economy where all business sectors operate a three-shift system around the clock, all days of the week, within a secured and safe environment.

Perusing the 24hour economy policy, Mr Tachie stressed that, its core objective is to create innumerable sustainable, reliable and permanent jobs for the youth. It is sounding and welcoming policy.

“Whoever talks against the 24hour economy is an enemies of progress to NABCO, youth in  afforestation beneficiaries who have been retrograded back to their unemployed state amid working for number of months without payment.” he emphasized

“Currently, unemployment rate is 14.7 %. What is NPP doing  to reduce this security threatening issue?, but what they are interested in is to subject 24hour economy into public mockery just because it poses a threat to their whimsical and capricious slogan breaking  the 8.”

“Unambiguously, I wish to state that the NPP is a monumental failure when it comes to initiating policies that seek to alleviate the youth from unemployment and abject poverty. The party leader currently has nothing good to offer the Youth again and should rather divert his energies to compensating and paying arrears owed the victims who have suffered severe bruises of the wack policies which were launched and collapsed under his auspices rather than wasting his energy to subject the 24hour economy policy into public derision.” He added

By Lawrence Odoom

#Breaking-The-824hr Economy PolicyMahamaNana Tachie EricNPPthreat
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