MAJ.- GENERAL OMANE-AGYEKUM: Have you interdicted the Commandant of MATS, Mr. President? – Owula Mangortey asks

MAJ.- GENERAL OMANE-AGYEKUM: Have you interdicted the Commandant of MATS, Mr. President? – Owula Mangortey asks

I am a Citizen.

I rise to ask my respected Retired and Tired President Billy Akufo-Addo whether you have interdicted Major- General William Omane- Agyekum, the Commandant of the Military Academy and Training School (MATS)

Your Excellency, will your Military High Command confirm whether the interdiction of Major- General Omane- Agyekum
is in connection with reports that his Military two-star V8 vehiclec was used to transport contraband goods (whose description I am withholding in the over all interest of Military and National Security).

Will your Military High Command confirm whether his interdiction is also in connection with remarks your soldiers whisper that General Omane- Agyekum allegedly complained about the number of “protocol candidates” who were “dumped” on him to be trained at the Ghana Military Academy without passing through any due process.

Your Excellency, can your Military High Command confirm whether the interdicted MATS Commandant has surreptitiously been posted as the Director of Peacekeeping?

Is such an an appointment not a demotion for Major- General William Omane- Agyekum, because as your soldiers whisper, the Director- General Peacekeeping position is occupied by a Brigadier- General.

Your Excellency, can the Military High Command confirm whether it is unlawful for a Maj-General of the Ghana Armed Forces to use a personal picture of himself and Nana Akufo-Addo as his WhatsApp “dp” since 2017?

More to come soon.

I Shall Retunr (sic)

Owula Mangortey
NDC Branch Secretary
Full Gospel Church Branch
Shai-Osudoku Constituency

CommandantinterdictMAJ.- GENERAL Omane-AgyekumMATSMr. PresidentOwula Mangortey