Meet The Classic Failure

Meet The Classic Failure

The Supreme Court of Ghana, has adjourned its ruling on Dr. Samuel Ofori Bekoe’s Certiorari application seeking to quash the Cape Coast High Court 2 judgment that upheld the decision of the UEW Governing Council in dismissing him as a lecturer, to Wednesday 12th February, 2020.

The said application was filed by Afenyo-Markin (radio lawyer), on behalf of the Effutu Vice Chairman of the NPP (busybody).

This Afenyo-Markin, who can best be described as a failed Member of Parliament (MP), has no time to fulfill his constitutional duty by way of participating in the sittings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament, yet goes around making stupid pronouncements about this same committee, of which he is a member. What a classic failure!!

Afenyo-Markin can’t understand why Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, still remain the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, despite he Afenyo-Markin’s botched attempts to remove the Rev. Fr. from the office of VC.

My short response to Afenyo-Markin is that, he Afenyo-Markin is a born failure. Moreover, truth (Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni), shall always triumph over falsehood (Afenyo-Markin).

It would recalled that, about 2 years ago, Dr. Bekoe was sacked as a lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), following his alleged threat to butcher some members of the UEW Governing Council during a sitting.

Bekoe has since remained unemployed, despite four (4) of his close friends heading Colleges of Education. The question is, what is the use of a friend if one can’t help from such a friend in time of need?

Watch out for my publication on Rawlings and EOCO related matters, soon!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah  (son of an upright peasant farmer)


applicationCertioraridecisionDr. Samuel Ofori BekoeGhanajudgmentrulingSupreme CourtUEW Governing Council