Methodist Church Ghana Canada welcomes New Superintendent Minister 

The Very Reverend Evans Essien advised Christians to, therefore, remain steadfast in the Lord and never let their guard down
Methodist Church Ghana Canada welcomes New Superintendent Minister 

The Canada Circuit under the North America Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana has welcomed the Very Reverend Emmanuel Evans Essien as its new Superintendent Minister.

A welcome service to honour the Superintendent Minister and his family was organized at the auditorium of the Methodist Church Ghana Toronto at 69 Milvan Drive, North York, Ontario.

During the service, the Very Reverend Emmanuel Evans Essien delivered a sermon on the theme: “Do Not Sell Your Inheritance,” taken from Hebrews 12:16–17.

He revealed that nowadays, many Christians deny Christ when they are caught in adverse situations and circumstances.

He said these challenging situations often arise due to a child of God’s inability or failure to think through a decision, and also to ensure whether those decisions align with the Word of God.

The Very Reverend Evans Essien advised Christians to, therefore, remain steadfast in the Lord and never let their guard down.

He emphasized the need for Christians to continually pray and seek the guidance of God in every endeavour.

Societies, organizations, and circuits of the church expressed their enthusiasm about the arrival of the man of God and his family by presenting them with gifts and presents.

The societies that presented tokens include Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Ottawa, Redemption, Bethany, Hamilton, and the Methodist Church Ghana of Toronto.

Presentation Time

The new superintendent upon receiving the gifts said he was overwhelmed by the love shown to him and his family upon the assumption of his role.

He promised to help develop the members spiritually and physically for the continual growth of the Methodist Church.



CanadaEmmanuel Evans EssienMethodist Church GhanaSuperintendent Minister