Minority MPs declare support for “Hands Off Our Hotels” Demo against Bryan Acheampong

the Minority is calling on the public to join the demonstration to demand transparency and accountability in the management of state assets.

The Minority in Parliament has thrown its weight behind the upcoming “Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration” scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Accra. The protest is against the government’s controversial sale of state-owned hotels to the Minister of Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong.

According to a press statement signed by the Minority Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza, “the deal is a clear case of cronyism, corruption, and state capture, which has become a hallmark of the ruling NPP government.”

The Minority is therefore urging the public to join the demonstration to send a strong message to the government that the sale of the hotels to Hon. Acheampong is unacceptable.

The demonstration is a response to the government’s plans to sell off profitable state-owned hotels to the Minister of Agriculture, which the Minority says is a sweetheart deal that perpetuates corruption and enriches government officials at the expense of the state.

Subsequently, the Minority is calling on the public to join the demonstration to demand transparency and accountability in the management of state assets.

Below is the full statement from the Minority in Parliament:

17th June, 2024.


The Minority in Parliament fully supports the upcoming “Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration” scheduled for Tuesday, 18th June, 2024, in Accra.

The demonstration has been called to protest against the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government’s shady sale of state-owned hotels to the Minister of Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong.

This sweetheart deal which transfers iconic and profitable state-owned hotels to a cabinet minister further confirms the wanton cronyism, official corruption and state capture which have become the hallmark of the NPP government.

This adds to the long list of questionable arrangements which make Ghanaians wonder whether members of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government are committed to improving the lot of the people or only see political power as an avenue to enrich themselves by grabbing state-owned businesses and strategic state assets for themselves.

We therefore want to use this opportunity to indicate the Minority’s strong opposition to the sale of these hotels to the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Bryan Acheampong, and urge the public to join Tuesday’s “Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration” to send a strong signal to the government that the people of Ghana take exception to this shady deal.

Enough is enough!
The attempt to sell off profitable state-owned hotels to Hon. Bryan Acheampong is wrong, unacceptable and must not be condoned.



Bryan AcheampongDeclarationDemonstrationHands Off Our HotelsMinority MPsNDCParliament
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