MISSING: Alert issued for whereabouts of 11-year-old girl

MISSING: Alert issued for whereabouts of 11-year-old girl

The family of Zubaida Kamal is seeking the assistance of the public in locating their 11-year-old girl.

Kamal was last seen on January 23, 2020 around Korle Bu where she stays in a yellow uniform during her break time.

The case has since been reported to the Korle Bu Police Station but no progress has been made in all efforts to find her.

She speaks Sissala, Twi, Ga, English and Hausa.

Anyone with information about her should call Hawa on 0241315280/0285445754 or report to the nearest police station.

Source: Daily Mail GH

11-year-old girlAssistanceFamilylocatingPublicZubaida Kamal