Morocco-France: President Macron’s Visit to Morocco neither on Agenda nor Scheduled (Official Government Source)

France's top diplomat Catherine Colonna had announced that a visit by President Macron to Morocco had been scheduled, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Morocco-France: President Macron’s Visit to Morocco neither on Agenda nor Scheduled (Official Government Source)

French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Morocco “is neither on the agenda nor scheduled,” said an official Moroccan government source.

In an interview with a news channel, France’s top diplomat Catherine Colonna had announced that a visit by President Macron to Morocco had been scheduled, at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The same official government source expressed astonishment that Colonna had taken “this unilateral initiative and allowed herself to make an uncoordinated announcement concerning an important bilateral event.”

Source: MAP

agendaFranceGovernment Source)MoroccoPresident Macronscheduled